Chapter 1

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"Mom I can't find my notebook!" 'I thought I left it in my book bag last night, how come it's not there?'

"Did you check in the kitchen?" Mom yells 'Why would it-, oh that's right, sleep walking.' I swiftly make my way over to the kitchen, making sure to check every corner. I  searched on top of the fridge, in the fridge, in multiple different cabinets, and I even searched in the trash can. I was about to give up when I remembered somewhere I still hadn't searched yet. Underneath the sink. I kneeled down to face the small door hiding the pipes to our sink, it's mostly white, just like all of the other doors in the house only some of its paint pealing off unlike all the others. I take a deep breath, preparing myself to face the utter destruction my notebook could've faced underneath the pipes. That is, if it was even there in the first place. I slowly open the cabinet and voila, staring back at me is my sketchbook, underneath a broken and leaking pipe.

It's open, water droplets falling onto its pages giving a repetitive and depressing melody. I let out an annoyed sigh before promptly remove the notebook from under the broken pipe, 'Who knew my day would be ruined this quickly.' After inspecting the pages for any mayor damage, I realize something. The water seems to have created something close to an image. It appears to be of a young boy, he has crazy antigravity hair, a long lab coat, some safety goggles and he's mixing different chemicals into a jar. I look at the "drawing" astonished, the situation making me forget about my previous emotions. 'How did this...even happen?' I ask myself gracing my thumb agains the now textured and moist paper. After staring at the boys face for a while I get this weird feeling...almost as if...someone where watching me.

"Y/n, if you haven't found that notebook of yours yet we're leaving without it. Now come on or you're going to be late. " Moms agitated voice makes me snap out of my trance.

"Uh- yeah, yeah I found it, I'll be there in a second." I look back, only to find nothing but a line of identical cabinets staring back at me. Once I turn back to my notebook to analyze the image further, it was gone. It was not wet, not even a little damp. The water had just...evaporated. Leaving nothing but crinkled pieces of paper as the only proof of its existence. I stare at my blank notebook in disbelief.

'I'm going insane, it was probably imagination playing tricks on me, yeah...that's it,...right?' I hear mom calling for me once again, this time I close the notebook and start heading her way, forcing out the memory from my brain.

I get the confidence to let go of the notebook and put it into by back pack. Now being fully prepared for mom to drive me to my new school. As I stepped in to the car , I placed my backpack beside me before mom started the car and blasted her favorite band . After a while I started to feel more and more self conscious over going again, is it even possible for me to make any friends? Mom noticed my seemingly alert state at the disappearance of this feeling, and stopped at a near fast food parking lot. She took a while to actually talk to me, opting to let me have a few moments of silence and turning off the radio. Within those few moments, my brain ran circles around how schools even worked. 'Will I ever truly fit in after what happened last time?' Mom sighed deeply before speaking.

"Honey, are you...are you sure you want to go to school? You know, we can always switch back to home schooling. Its not too late to cancel." My moms words breaking me out of my thoughts, " Mom, I really really want to go to school, please stop worrying already, I'll be fine." Already knowing what she was referring too, I had made the decision to go to school and I'm going to go through with the idea. No matter what happens.

Moms face drops, I can tell she's not pleased with my answer. "I don't know. What if this time, I lose you forever? I can't have that! " Her tone of voice quickly shifting to an agitated one. "Mom, I can take care of myself. I promise."

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