Chapter 2

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It's him.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This CANT be real.
It's a coincidence. 
This HAS to be a coincidence.
no, no, No, NO, NO.
How CAN this be a coincidence?
He's here, the guy from the drawing is HERE standing right in front of me!
How did this happen?
HES, He's, he's...

I woke up to blindingly white lights and a pounding headache. I look around, meeting my gaze were, ramen bowls that seem to have been left out for over to a month now, broken glass scattered all over the floor, contradicting yellow and white lights, the windows seem to be opened, considering there was a chilly feeling in the room, there stacks of paper laying on the floor, some flying thanks to the wind, and three tables (excluding the one I'm laying on) with unfinished projects and some containers with green and purple liquid. This place looks borderline abandoned' As I try to move to get a better look around, someone stops me. "You shouldn't move yet, it may complicate your future treatments." The sudden sound freezing me in place. 'Where exactly am I?'

"Heh, you know, you gave us quite the scare." The person speaks up suddenly. I try to contain my screams as I try to speak. "Am I at the hospital?" I somehow managed to squeak out a response, ignoring my beating heart. "Well, no you're not at the hospital, you're in the science club. I ordered Yuzuriha and Taiju to go and call the school nurse after you fainted, but apparently the nurse was absent today, thanks to a yeast infection. So I've been taking care of you while they take their classes." The figure reveals itself, it's him again, I tense up, my heart beat somehow managing to go even louder, loud enough for it to start invading my thoughts. I start hyperventilating a little, still trying not to fully freak out y try to hide my face under the table cloth working as my blanket, as I take some deep breaths. Soon after emerging from underneath my blanket, the boy starts speaking again.

" I wonder, what was it that you saw that could have possibly had such a grand reaction?" The boy in the lab coat asks, getting a little closer to the "bed". I flinch, a look of recognition flashes in his eyes. " fainted because of me..." A weird feeling of guilt washes over me as I try to back track this weirdly familiar human his (correct) assumption. "N-no, no it wasn't you, it was a-,A SPIDER, yeah there was a spider on the wall and I saw it and fainted because I-, I hate spiders. Yeah, totally hate spiders." As I blatantly lie through my teeth to spear his feelings, I can tell he isn't buying any of it.

"A spider huh?" He looks at me unconvinced. "It's fine, surprisingly you aren't the first person to faint at the mere sight of me, so there no reason for you to feel bad about it really." I stare at him in disbelief. "I'm not?" He chuckles at my unintentional confession, he has a somewhat thoughtful face, almost as if trying to recall the moment in its entirety as he sits down on a near by chair before finally retelling the story.

"My old man, he had just returned from a three month long project on the moon, once he came back, he had dark black circles underneath his eyes, his legs seemed weak, as he could barely even walk properly. He looked utterly exhausted, worryingly so, it might've actually been the worst I've ever seen him. In fact the second he entered through the door and saw me, he passed out. Thought he died for a second, I even started crying, telling him how much I loved him and how much I'll miss him, and to please not die as I hugged his chest. I only realized he was alive after I checked for his heart beat." The boy retells the story with a glint of nostalgia in his eyes, chucking a bit at the memory. I giggle a little, the story made me forget why I was even wary of him slightly making me more sympathetic for the boy. "Your dads an astronaut, right?" I ask turning my head to the side in curiosity. "Yep, you're 10 billion percent correct. His names Byakuya, heard of him before?" Your eyes light up at the name. "Byakuya?, like THE Byakuya Ishigami?" A smirk spreads across Senkus face as he lets out a low snicker. "So, you do know my old man huh?"

"Of course I know him! I used to look up to him a lot as a kid, I always thought his hair was the coolest back then, the different colored edges, and the cool
walk he did. I always thought he was the most stylish one out of the group too." 'So that's why he looked so similar. I unconsciously created someone who looks like him because of all the time I spent fan girling over Byakuya! It all makes sense now! Still a cool coincidence that I'd get him THIS spot on though'

"Guess that saves me the trouble of explaining who he is to you." He says a sly smirk resting on his features. The sound of papers falling to the ground catching both of out attentions. I try to stand up and help him pick the papers up, my legs sadly fail me leading to me tripping, I prepare myself for the impact, but it never came. Instead I feel strong arms wrapped carefully around my body. As I look up I am met with Ishigami's eyes staring back at me. We stay like that for a while before he decides to speak up. "You shouldn't get up so sudden you might injure yourself." He says picking me up, so he can place me back on the table. 'I wonder why such a nice guy could possibly work under these conditions.' I look up at him and smile in gratitude. "Thank you.". He make his way over to the fallen papers to pick them up himself.  Feeling a little bad that I couldn't help him. As he picks up all the fallen paper off the ground I decided to ask more about this school."...Ishigami?"

"Senku, call me Senku." He cuts me off.

"Senku?" I fix my sentence with my new gained information. "Correct." He answers returning to his original place seat. "What's the deal with this school?" He looks at me confused. So I proceed to  elaborate my question. "I mean, what's up with all the broken glass, chipped paint and garbage everywhere?" He sighs looking at the ground in disappointment. 

"The school isn't always like this, in summer, some morons decided it would be funny If they broke in and destroyed everything. Every device, project, license. Anything and everything that could be broken suffered that exact fate. Once I came back, the lab was already torn to shreds. Every thing was gone, all off my hard work, getting thrown to the ground like some sort of toy meant for five year olds." He grits his teeth, irritatedly. 'This club really seems to mean a lot to him. He looks so mad about it getting destroyed. ' I start to feel bad for the guy, showing this much dedication for his school and so called lab. I look around once again at the mess, this time it's sadness that's filling my heart instead of disgust. He opens his mouth as if to continue speaking. The words getting seemingly stuck in his throat. "I've tried cleaning this place up, time and time again, but I'm just one man. Even with Yuzuriha and Toujis help I still can't get this place back to its original state, and with the conditions this place is under, it's very unlikely anyone will join this year. The club will most definitely shut down if no one decides to enter, and that's why you'll be the newest member.

"...what?" I stare at him blankly.
Hello! Okay soo im going to try and post a prologue soon. To explain who y/n is and why shes so wary and nervous about people. Also explaining the differences I added to Senkus character and things like that. I'll try and update once a week. But since it's close to Christmas I might be able to post more frequently. Sorry about any misspellings, English isn't my first language. Thank you for all your support!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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