Part 1

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Leo watched as Shredder threw his last brother off the burning building. April was down below and Leo prayed that she was able to catch them in time. He didn't have much time to think before Shredder turned his attention on to him. Leo jumped through the rubble and made his way up a flight of stairs hoping for the advantage of higher ground. The flames chased after him. Leo lost sight of Shredder in the raging fire. He inched around the roof, his katanas twitching with anxiety. A yell startled him and he turned just in time to block Shredder as he pounced at him. Leo's katana came together to form an X. Shredder's claws pushed hard against him. "You killed him! He was your brother and you killed him!" Leo yelled furiously. His words hit a nerve as Shredder kicked him away from him. "He was your brother Saki, your best friend! How could you do that?!" Leo continued. He jumped back as Shredder advanced slashing his claws. "Splinter was cast to become a lonesome rat! It was fate! His destiny!" Shredder shouted as he fought. He managed to knock Leo back. Shredder seized the turtle by the throat and slammed him to the ground before raising his body to the air. "You're a monster, a demon! Is that your destiny?!" Leo asked as he struggled to breathe. Shredder paused for a moment. "No I- I-" Shredder stuttered. Leo took advantage of his distraction, he let out a yell as he thrust his sword forward at the monster's neck. But Shredder regained his composure quickly and grabbed the turtle's wrist. He gave the limb a twist. Leo let out a pained cry as he dropped his weapon. Shredder threw the turtle back once more. Leo's body slammed onto the concrete multiple times before skidding to a final stop at the edge. Leo cracked his eyes open just in time to see Shredder standing above him. The monster grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up again. "Now," Shredder extended his razor sharp claws. "You die!" Shredder pierced his claws through Leo's plastron. Leo screamed in agony as the sharp metal struck his body. The long razors pierced through his plastron and shattered out his back through his shell. Leo couldn't stop the screams and tears that escaped him. Blood poured out of his chest wounds. "This is over! Fitting you die the same way as your master." Shredder said with a slight laugh. His words felt like more weapons striking Leo's soft flesh. He screwed his eyes shut in pain and shame. Ashamed at his failure to avenge his father. "Leonardo!" Leo's eyes snapped open at the voice he was unsure he'd ever hear again. Over Shredder's shoulder he could make out the ghostly figure of his father. "Fear nothing." Splinter said simply. Leo's stared at his father's stern face. "No, this isn't how this ends!" Leo yelled. He drew all his strength and twisted his body around. He cried out in pain as he felt the metal twisting and slicing around in his body. He planted his feet on Shredder's chest before pushing off. Shredder stumbled back as Leo landed on his feet. He weakly pressed on his gushing wound. He looked down to see his hand stained red. But Leo couldn't worry about that now. He snatched his dropped sword and fell into a fighting stance. Leo dodged Shredder as he attempted to stab him once again. He came up behind the beast and repeatedly kicked his hulking body. He kicked the back of the monster's knees causing him to fall forward. Leo landed a swift punch to his face as he ran by. The turtle swung his katana as he landed in front of the monster. The two warriors pounced at each other with their weapons drawn. As he passed, Leo felt his sword slice into Shredder's neck. A spray of blood from the wound splashed onto Leo's already bloodied body. He could feel the warm wetness hit his cheeks. Shredder's head landed beside Leo with a sick splat. The body crumpled behind him but Leo paid neither any mind. Though his stomach churned at the sound of wet flesh hitting the floor. He couldn't stop his stomach from emptying its contents. Leo could see it was nearly all blood. He could see his own body was mostly red as well. He could barely see any emerald. Then finally the adrenaline that was once fueling him drained from his body. Leo's body fell sloppily into the red puddles that covered the ground. He strained to keep his eyes open, unable to move the rest of his body any longer. He could see the fire growing larger and making it's way closer. Leo let out a sigh. He felt a bittersweet comfort that his family was safe and Shredder couldn't hurt them any more. But he wanted to see them again. He wanted to hug them again and have celebratory pizza. He wanted to see Karai and all his friends and tell them of their epic battle. But mostly, he just wanted to go home. Go home and be with his father again although he knew the rat was no longer there. Leo finally let his tired eyes slip closed, any strength leaving his body. A few last tears lazily dripped down his cheeks. "I'm sorry." Leo whispered breathlessly. He couldn't imagine the pain he'd be putting his family through. Losing their oldest brother so soon after their father. "I'm sorry I can't come home." Leo mumbled almost soundlessly. He could feel the heat of the fire approaching. He felt so tired now. He just needed to sleep. Leo swore he could feel the ghost of a furry hand caress his cheek as he finally let himself drift away.

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