Chapter Two!

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"Y-You want me to what?!" I was shocked, I have no idea why, but the thought of going to a concert startled me. The thought of people screaming, loud music, throwing up cause the food there is garbage and the fact that there's A LOT of people. It was a lot to wrap my head around.

And the fact that I barely go outside.

    "I want you to come to a concert with me. Tonight." Kaede said, it wasn't a question though, more of a demand. I tried to protest but I knew that Kaede won't stop till she gets what she wants, or she gets bored.

   "Fine..I'll go." As the words spilled out my mouth Kaede's eyes lit up. She looked so happy, usually she just has a stone cold face, I guess she really wanted me to go. She handed me the ticket, I looked down, it looked like any other ticket. It was black, had our seats on it, and had the title "Shuichi's rock and roll festival" in white bold letters. I tilted my head in confusion, like I said, I didn't listen to music that much.

What I said was the worst thing I could have ever said in my whole life.

   "Who's Shuichi?" I asked innocently, Kaede made an audible gasp and looked at me with disgust.

   "You don't know who Shuichi is?? I mean I knew you needed to get a life but I didn't think it was this bad." Ouch. I was very offended at the statement, my day to day life is very eventful. I go to school, daydream about the love of my life. Go home, beg my mom for the newest Danganronpa game, daydream about the love of my life, and rinse and repeat. I do need to go and do some other fucking things.

   "Shuichi is literally the best artist ever! He makes the coolest songs I can't even describe how cool they are! You know what, while you're driving the concert, I want you to listen to this playlist I'm sending you.  It has all of Shuichi's best songs, that way you'll know what you're getting into, and you'll finally acquire a decent music taste."

   "Ugh fine, only because you're my best friend." My phone dinged, I looked down at the notification it was a Spotify playlist titled "Shuichi > You" she must really like this guy. I clicked the link and picture of the playlist was..a decent looking young man. Oh who am I kidding he was super attractive! He had flawless eyeliner, his hair was such a beautiful shade of blue, I could get lost in his eyes! Oh my god who was this guy?!

   "Akamatsu..who's the guy on the picture?" I asked, Kaede looked at my reddened face and chuckled.

  "That's Shuichi silly."

   "R-Really!? He's so pretty- I-I mean he's decent!" I stuttered out, the guys who asked me out before were nothing compared to him! And yes, I do get asked out on occasion and yes, I am a hopeless romantic with unrealistic high standards.

   Anyways, me and Kaede talked for a bit about random things until I decided to head home. I admired the green trees that were once recently oranges, browns, reds, and yellows. I loved how the seasons changed, it makes it feel like there's a sense of magic in the world. I took in the beautiful view until I got to my house, I grabbed my keys, unlocked the door, and headed inside.

   "Mom- Hey mom-"

  "Kokichi! Dear, welcome home!" My mom trotted down the stairs, she smiled sweetly as I came into the house.

   "Hey mom! How are you doing?" I asked her, putting my stuff down and sitting down on the couch as my mom ran into the kitchen to prepare us some tea.

   "Oh I'm fine hun, I went to the gym, watched TV, and dropped by the store." My mom responded, when I was younger my mom had a problem of overworking herself to provide for us. Now that we have a little more money, I want to make sure she does other things rather than working on a stupid news report.

  "How was school dear? Anything I should know about?" She asked as she delivered the tea over to me. She sat down next to me and took a sip. From the looks of it, it was just green tea, but when my mom makes tea it has a whole new feeling to it.

   "Nothing much, I talked to Akamatsu, went to my classes and that's pretty much all." I replied, school was getting quite boring, just same old same old. My mom seemed to take notice, which is probably is why she's trying to do fun things when I get back home.

    "Well I got you that new Danganronpa game you've been blabbering about! Does that make your day a little be more fun?" She exclaimed, my head shot up as I smiled with excitement

    "Oh really?! Thank you so so so so so so so so so so much mom! I love you!" I quickly gave my mom a hug, she was the best! My mom just simply giggled and responded with a "I love you too."

   "I was thinking, since I got you that game, and it's the weekend we can stay up all night playing it!" My mom proposed, it was a wonderful idea and right as I was about to say yes I remembered that I promised Kaede that I would go with her. Normally I would've just cancelled and she would understand, but Kaede got so happy when I told her I would go with her I couldn't bare to make her sad. Then again I can't bare to make my mom sad, ugh, life is full with tough choices!  

    "I would love to mom, but I'm actually going to a concert with Kaede tonight, and I have to go soon." I waited for a response, for some odd reason I thought she was gonna bawl her eyes out.

    "Oh okay honey! You know you should have told me, but I'll let you off the hook once this time!" She giggled in between her sentence, "But be safe and stick with Akamatsu, no drugs, no irresponsible drinking, and no drunk driving, understand?" I sighed and nodded my head.

    "Yes mom, I understand. You don't have to tell me every time."

    "Yes I do, I want to make sure you're safe and okay!" She patted me on the head as she went to put our dishes away. I acted annoyed but in reality I liked it when she did that, it made me feel like she truly does care about me. After a little more chitter chatter, I went to my closet and picked out an outfit. Nothing special, some black ripped jeans, a belt, plain back shirt, and a jacket in case it got cold. I said my goodbyes to my mom and headed to where Akamatsu told me the concert was.

   As I was driving I decided to listen to playlist Kaede sent me, the  songs were actually pretty good! Shuichi had such an amazing voice! Maybe this concert wouldn't be so bad after all. I found myself humming along as I pulled into the parking lot.

    "No time to search the world around~ Cause you know where I'll be found~ When I come around~"

Hop outta bed! Rock out again! PG Saiouma rockstar AUWhere stories live. Discover now