Chapter 1

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"Annabeth, get back here or I'll dump you in the lake!" I yelled as she ran off with Riptide in her hands. "Not gonna happen, Seaweed Brain. Not until you apologize for putting that spider in my bed." I laugh, remembering her screams. "Ok, I'm sorry. I swear on the River Styx." She stops and runs up to me. "Ok, here." She hands me the pen back and I slip it in my back pocket. I then got an idea. I tapped her shoulder and said, "Tag, you're it." And I ran off. I heard her laugh and start to follow me. All of a sudden, i crash into something and fall flat of my butt.

"Ow." I look up and see a blue box that has writing I can't make out. I hear Annabeth gasp behind me. "Oh my gods! It's the Tardis!!!" I look at her like she has two heads. "From Doctor Who. Duh."

"Doctor what?"

"No, the show is literately called Doctor Who, with a capitol 'W'." I mouth 'oh' and get up off the ground to get a better look. As I'm staring at it, a door opens and out pops a man with brown hair, stormy grey eyes about the color of Annabeth's, and a bow tie. Annabeth starts squealing beside me. "The getting darker." She faints and as I'm about to catch her, the man from the blue box reaches out his arms and grabs her. "Well, she's rather....actually I don't think there is a word to describe her. By the way, sorry to be rude, but where in bloody hell am I?" I swallowed quickly. "Um....."

I was luckily saved from answering by Annabeth waking up and screaming when she noticed who had a hold of her. "You-you're the Doctor." He smiled at her and let her go. "That I am, and who might you be?" She somehow stuttered out, 'A-a-Annabeth Chase. And that's my boyfriend, Percy." He nodded in my direction. "As I asked before, where am I? What is the date?"

"May 14, 2015, sir. And you're in Long Island, New York." He nodded. "Well, that isn't too bad, I guess. I was looking for a camp. Umm, Camp Half-something.

"Camp Half-Blood?" I offered up, finally saying something intelligible. "Yes, that's it. I got a visit from a strange lady that looked a lot like you." He looked straight at Annabeth when he said that last part.

"You got a visit from my mother? You got a visit from Athena?" He looked at her kind of weird. "Isn't Athena a Greek myth?" She shook her head at him. "No, all the gods and goddesses are real. Percy's father is Poseidon, god of the sea." He looked over at me. "I don't know why, but I believe you. The lady, Athena, she told me to look for one of her daughters, the head of her cabin I believe she said." Annabeth's eyes got as big as saucers. I looked at the man in the bow tie. I noticed just then that he had a fez on his head. "That would be her. Annabeth is head of Athena's cabin here at camp."

He glanced over at her, then back at me, then back at her and this time, his focus stayed on her. "Well, lucky me. I was sent here because, well, Athena told me that this is where I belonged. She called me something. A-a demigod. Yes that's it. She told me that she...that she was, well that she was my mother."

*Yes, I know that Matt Smith isn't the Doctor anymore, but, he will forever be the Doctor in my heart.*

Doctor What? (PJO/Doctor Who Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon