She looks so perfect

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She looks so perfect standing there

Walker P.O.V.

I was getting more nervous as it was time to meet Leah again .We both had to go to practice today and sadly my mental support named Nellie had her free day today.So it was only me,Aryan and Leah.Why was I so stupid and kissed Leah she was my best friend and now I think I'm left with nothing what if Leah doesn't even want to speak to me today?

As I was going in that room  were we were supposed to meet I noticed how Leah already sat in her chair and was probably studying or looking at the script she just got. Leah said:"Oh hi Walker." She came up to me so we could do our typical handshake . It felt like nothing happened maybe I should just forget it. It's probably much better this way.

After that read I went straight to Nellie who was having her breakfast.I went to her fridge to get a crossaint I knew she kept crossaints in her fridge.I also knew that they were special to her because her grandmas sends them to her almost every day. I asked:"Are you coming to school now." "Yes I have to don't I?" I laughed and a few minutes later we went to school.She had school for the whole day I only had school for like an hour or two depends if Rick wants to film sooner or later.As soon as Nellie noticed Leah she ran towards her and gave her a big hug. Since we were the only kids who were in the same grade it was just  us three in a whole class room. Our teacher said:"Good morning kids." I was about to put three tables together so we could sit together. But my teacher came into my way:"No you guys I want Noelle to sit here and Walker in the back in the right corner...Leah you sit in the middle left corner please." All of us sighed , but we already knew something like this was going to happen because we were always annoying for our teachers.But what can we do if we just want to have fun.

After a really stressful day I went with Aryan to Leah's Trailer I asked her:"Do you want to join us at Ellies trailer to I don't know watch a movie." Leah shook her head and answered:"No I have to do some homework and I'm Skyping with my friends and family today." Aryan admitted:"Sorry Walker I totally forgot I need to call my mom she's been texting me since Monday and I haven't replied yet." "Go do that she will probably worry because today is Friday." So it was just me and Ellie.Like every night , I just adored her company and I felt safe with her.

I just went into Ellie's trailer with a pizza I got from the cafeteria and screamed:"Pizza Delivery!" "Walker what are you doing I'm Skyping with my mom." "Oh should I leave?" "No stay , and say hi to my mom." I walked up to her kitchen table where she sat and waved into the camera ,I said:"Hi mom of Ellie." She replied something in French and Ellie explained:"She doesn't speak English but I have an idea you go prepare that pizza..." "No it's alright in that box are actually only Ingredients for a pizza." "Walker wait you'll stay here and I'm done talking to my mom in ten minutes."I just nooded and went on my phone.That stardet getting boring after a minute.So I prepared a prank I went to my trailer and got one of those fake spiders I brought from home and put two of them in that pizza box.I knew go afraid she was and I was super excited for the look on her face when she opens that box.

Child Actors (Walker Scobell)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt