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All I see is what I should be...

Walker P.O.V.

And then I just kissed her like it was the most normal thing in the world.Somehow my not happened perfect date didn't happen but this kiss was way more magical than any date could ever be.But then Leah stepped into the room and said:"Guys can you like clean up and not make out,thank you." "It was one kiss.",both of us answered her laughing.George was right behind Leah and asked:"Should I help you...My mom used to have a restaurant and I always helped her clean up." I really didn't want Mister Skandinavian of 2024 to help us clean up.But as I kinda knew Ellie replied:"That would be so kind...Leah is not helping us out of demonstration ." "What is she demonstrating for?" "Probably justice for her kitchen or something.",Ellie said laughing.Cleaning the kitchen with Ellie was fun but cleaning the kitchen with George was like a reality show were they put two guys who dated the same girl in the room.Im not saying George had a crush on Ellie but he just was so easy young around her.He seemed like a fun guy who could get anyone he wanted.

After a whole evening of listening to George about the Norwegian royal family he obviously grew up with one of the princes or something I didn't really listen.I walked Ellie to her trailer and asked her:"I have a stupid question...Please promise not to laugh." "Can't promise something I can't keep." "Can you be serious for once in your life." "I'm as serious as Sirius Black and that means I'm as serious as a dead person." I smirked but then asked her:"Do you have a crush on George ...Because I think he has one on you and I honestly like you, like you ,you know.I like your smile , your natural hair your humor , your everything.I like you a lot and really would like it if you liked me too." "I like you too like a lot." "Can I kiss you before you go to bed?" "That was a stupid question." So I held her by her waist and gave her one last kiss before going to sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about Ellie , the thought of her made my belly hurt because of all of the butterflies in there.The next morning I decided to buy her flowers again at a lovely little flower shop near the set.I bought amazing smelling pink tulips and a crossaint at the bakery next to the shop.Since it was pretty early in the morning I had time to go to the set kitchen and get a silber plattern on which I laid all of the stuff I bought . I even added a note to it I hope your reflection is shown in the plattern so you can see something beautiful first thing in the morning . When I was leaving the present at her doorstep I really hoped she would like it. And I totally hoped she would kiss me again.

As I was reading through my Skript in my trailer Ellie came running in and giving me a hug. She said:"You are incredible." "What did I do?" "Ugh it wasn't you who left a crossaint and tulips at my doorstep?" "I don't know what you're talking about .",I murmured she just smiled ,wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me.That was going to be the best day ever,I can tell by the start of it.

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