telling Grace that she's going to be a big sister (requested)

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"Hey, Grace, sweetie? Come here for a minute." Yuqi said as you both sat down on the sofa.

Grace was on the floor of the living room playing with her toys but as soon as Yuqi talked to her, she dropped them to do as she said.

The joy and excitement you feel about sharing the news with your little girl are beyond words can express.

You and Yuqi have been trying hard to start a family lately and, at last, you've succeeded.

You're finally pregnant.

Around two months, to be exact.

And even though you have the option of waiting longer to tell her since nothing you're dealing with is obvious to her at only seven years old, you can't wait and you want to tell her now that you know for sure.

"We have something very important and very exciting to tell you." You said.

"In just a few months, you're going to be a big sister!" Yuqi grinned.

Grace gasped as her eyes lit up.

You know she's been wanting a sibling for some time now.

She's asked her before about, before you met Yuqi, you giving her one and it was just a few weeks ago that she asked when you and Yuqi would have one for her to play with.

So it came as no surprise to you to hear her squeal in excitement.

"I want a sister!"

You and Yuqi laughed before you put your cheek on Yuqi's shoulder and she placed her hand on your stomach.

"We can't promise anything but you might just have one."

"Yay!" She screamed joyfully.

Yuqi grabbed her bag and pulled out her wallet before grabbing a picture from your recent scan it.

"See this right here, angel?" Yuqi asked as Grace sat on her lap. "Right there is your little sibling."

She was fascinated by the tiny little dot in the picture, the dot that was only the size of a prune.

It was tiny but it was perfect and Grace seemed to agree.

"So what do you say, honey? Are you excited to be a big sister soon?" You asked.

You didn't get the chance to say anything as Grace threw her small arms around your neck gently.

"Yeah!" She said as she pulled away.

"Be gentle, sweetie," Yuqi said as she put her hand on Grace's back.

"I'm gonna be the best sister!"

Yuqi smiled to herself as Grace excitedly spoke, her heart melting over how genuinely happy she seemed to be.

"And no matter what, you will never be left out of forgotten about. I promise." You told Grace.

She kept hugging you and holding onto you, making you and Yuqi melt.

You and Yuqi couldn't wait for the newest addition to your family and you knew that Grace was feeling just as excited.

And you knew that your little girl would be the best big sister to exist, spoiling her sibling rotten with all of the love in the world.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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