¤ Friday Night ¤

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Just wanted to point something out before I start this chapter:

Anything with [F] in it is like what [Y/N] would be

Ex: [FH/C] = Friend's Hair Color

So yeah..(^👅^)✌


You revived a text from your friend that you're supposed to meet today.

‷ Hey, Lets meet @ Starbucks this afternoon. K? ‴

« Lol, sure see u there»

‷ K, bai ‴

You turned off your phone and grabbed the nearest coat you got, It was the near end of winter, It was a nice [F/C] coat that went to your knees.

You walked out the store and walked all the way there.

ミミミミ Time Skip ミミミミ

You arrive at Starbucks and see your friend waving like crazy at you

You let out a big sigh and continue walking though the crowd. When you arrive you always remember her [FH/L] beautiful [FC/H] hair and [FE/C] eyes. Sometimes you wonder why you are friends with such a crazy girl but she still is your best friend. You arrive after thinking so much she just pretty much yells at you on all the things she saw coming here

"Heyyyy [Y/N] hey! I saw sooo many things coming here like people singing and that fantasy fair aaannnd-"

You covered her mouth with your hand and let out a sigh, again.

❝shh shh shh shh shh.. I know I live here❞

"Heh.. C'mon lets go inside [Y/N]"

❝Heh, okay❞


You walk in and almost run out when you see Kaneki here with

Hide. You freeze in your spot .

"[Y/N] what's wrong ?"

❝N-Nothing I just love the smell h-here❞

"Whats wrong?"

Damn she knew something was wrong

You let out a big sigh. 'Just tell the truth [Y/N], just do it'

❝ See that guy over there?❞

You point to Kaneki


❝ He is my....b-bo-boyfriend..❞

She squeals loud yet quiet, y'know that kinda thing

"Oh my Ghoul! [Y/N] you finally have a boyfriend?"

❝ Y-Yea I guess...❞

She is gone in seconds to go and talk to Kaneki and Hide. She sits right in between them and has this ginormous smile on her face.

Third sigh you let out today. I can hear her asking everything about him and you. This is going to be a long night.

ミミミミ Time Skip ミミミミ

You start to walk out the store with Kaneki, Hide and [F/N].

❝Psst.. [F/N] let's go now..❞


❝ Because❞

She gives you a sad face and gives up because you give her the don't-push-it-or-else look.

"Fine, Wait a sec"

❝ What is it?❞

All of you guys come around her.

"[Y/N] If you two are really dating.. then kiss"

You look over to Kaneki with a shocked face. He raises his shoulders up and back down. He starts walking to you. You come face to face to him.

"Hey there~"

❝ H-Hi, well let's do thi-❞

This one kiss isn't like the others , Not hard and forceful.

You Liked This Kiss

Kaneki looks over to [F/N]


She is shocked

"Y-Yes. Okay then. Bye! Lets go [Y/N]"

I have decided this cover is the one I like the most so i'll just keep this cover for a while or t'ill the end


~Kaneki ♡

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