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(ɔ•)ɔ (•) (ɔ•)ɔ (•) (ɔ•)ɔ (•) new chapter woot woot!


You exit the school still not getting any attention so far luckily, and target is still in range. Antieku isn't too far from here. The way back was interesting, listening more to other conversations . Some were about homework others were about meeting up, mom problems , more girl talk stuff and Starbucks. So very interesting.

Kaneki is a couple paces in front of you. He is still with Hide and his other nerd friends. More talking still. You can see Antieku by now and Touka in the windows.

When you walk in the door you have to quickly take of the wig and stuff and run to your room.

'Wig here.. Glasses here.. Bag n' stuff here...'

Perfect all organized

"(Y/N)! Can you come down here?!"


You start exiting and walking downstairs to go to the kitchen to see why Kaneki want's you.

❝ What do you want?❞

He has a angry face, well not very angry but close enough.

"What where you doing at my college?"

Oh dear, he know's

❝ W-What do you mean...? Heh heh heh❞

"Touka told me she saw you rushing upstairs taking of your wig and glasses before I got here and I remember seeing you at Subway and around the halls."

❝ Oh ❞

"Do you want to go to school?"

❝ Ew no. From what I saw it looks boring.. and plus shouldn't you be doing something by now? ❞

"Well I would be if I didn't have to deal with this.."

❝ Ugh fine, I won't to it again❞

"Good. We have training tomorrow so get prepared"

'Touka, our new security camera'

You go back upstairs. In reality you really did want to go to school instead of staying here for more than half the year, but yet again you can still train. Kaneki has to work so you decide to jump pot the window and into the city you go!

ミミミミ Time Skip ミミミミ

In the city there were lots of colours and excitement. So many people though.

   ❝ Ooof ❞

Here presented to you is a girl a little taller than you with long white hair and slightly red eyes 〈 Not ghoul eyes〈〈Yet〉〉 〉.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't see you there,are you okay?"

❝Oh.. Yeah, thanks❞

She looks pretty nice, but I remember this scent coming of her from somewhere.

"May I ask what's your name?"

❝ Oh, yeah it's (Y/N), why? ❞

"Just in case we bump into each other again. My name is Winter"

Omg I can't believe how long it took me to write this , (big writers block) I even considered deleting the story because I didn't update as much. I'm so sorry :(

Anyway here is a long awaited chapter and I hope some of you are still with me on this slow adventure

K bai


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