Chapter 16

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              Pure imperfection but still
                        Working it.

*Tadams pov *

I'm an idiot She did cheat on me but I'm still an idiot.

I know I have been acting differently cause I can't find the guts to tell her. "Hey Blake I made out with my ex after we broke up." I groan out of fustration. It's not that easy with her. She could start cutting again. I can't and I won't handle that nicely. A sudden buzz was in my pocket and I sit up from my bed.

Great. My ex

Heyy Tadam another party is going on tonight at 10 can you make it? If not then I'll have to spill a little secret to your girly :) see you there.

That little... is She serious . I thought She would not even remember She was so wasted She couldn't even stand. Now She threatening me to go to a party I don't even wanna go to.
     I-i have to go or she'll tell Blake.every thing I know She will She doesn't have a single piece of kindness after we split up. Ugh can this day get any more messed  up.

I stand to move to the living room where I see Blake's mom. Confusion is clear on my face as her and my mom look up at me. "Well Hello Tadam it's nice to see you again." Anna says. "Hi" I say simply confused why She is at our house. "Don't mind us we're just talking about her birthday and other things." My mom says with a smile. "You can go to my house I'm sure Blake is still there. " Anna adds. I'm wondering if I should go or not . This is a perfect opportunity to tell and explain to her what happened. She'll believe me she'll have to. I can't live with her.
         I nod and head out .

As I draw nearer to her house I start to think of ways to tell her. If I don't tell her I'll have to go to the party if I tell her She might be upset. It's a lose-lose and I'm losing both times. I drive up to the drive way and step out of the car. I still can't decide whether to tell her or not to tell her. I knock on the door and moments later it's opened. Blake looks so beautiful in a velvet sweatshirt , black jeans, and black socks. "Hi Tadam what brings you here?" She says with a little chuckle. "Uh I-your mom told me I could come here, since her and my mom were talking." I mumble the last part. She ushers me inside.

*Blake pov *

Im shocked as Tadam comes through the door. Maybe he'll explain why he's acting so awkward. I don't expect him to be all lovey dovey with me but...... whatever I brush the thought away. He sits across from me. Ok. "So..." I really wasn't expecting him to come. Thankfully my outfit came together today. "I-i wanted to tell you something if that's ok? " he seems more nervous than he let's on. I nod for him to continue.

He moves next to me and collects my hands into his. "Promise to let me finish with what I have to say before reacting." He pleads. Ok I feel like he's done something worth me reacting but I have no right to react. He forgave me and I don't want to ruin it. "I promise. " he squeezes my hands lightly.

"I-i messed up, do you remember when I left after our fight?" I nod confused. "Well my- Jane she called me to go to a party. First I said no then I said yes to try and forget you by getting drunk."
I feel hurt by his words. Going to a party with his ex and wanted to get drunk and forget me?

   I promised not to react, I promised not to react.  I repeat to myself.

"Well I got there and got a little drunk and....." he stops but doesn't look at me. "And what? " I don't want to know as much if he's afraid to tell me it's for a reason. He looks up at me. "I-i made out with her." Those 5 words shatters my heart. I'm speechless. I abruptly get up and move from his grip. He trys to reach for me but I resist. "H-how could you? Out of all times after right after we break up!! You amaze the hell out of me!" He is taken a back by my sudden out burst but come on his ex could it not have been a random girl he kissed and then left.

"I don't think you have any right at all to be saying that, you and my cousin kissed while we were in a relationship. And I wasn't finished yet." He says through his teeth. But trys to stay calm . "Go on then " I say rolling my eyes. It's not like I kissed Troy he kissed me but I don't say that. "Well then I realized that it was wrong and I stopped her and left. Now She invited me to another party and threatened to tell you if I didn't go, so here I am." I mentally roll my eyes "so you wouldn't have told me if She wouldn't have threatened to?" I fire back he looks down at his hands. "To be honest probably not, but I'd feel really bad." Oh great that would have been another secret to tear us apart.

"Oh, thanks for being honest." I try to hide my sarcasm but he detects it by sighing. "Look im sorry ok? " he stands in front of me. Wrapping his arms around my waist . I look into his gray eyes and can tell he is sorry. I rest my forehead on his and gently run my hand in his short hair. "S'ok I'm sorry about reacting too much." I look down from his gaze. "Don't apologize it's my fault." He presses light kisses to my forehead.

I chuckle. Then I hear a door close. Tadam and I quickly scramble away acting naturally. "Hey mom back so early?" Her smirk indicates she's seen us. "Yes could you head out and buy some things?" I nod and She hands me a list "Tadam you could go to if you'd like." my mom adds. He nods and we head out.


We stop at the store and rush in from the drizzle of rain outside. A light shade of pink rises up to my cheeks as he intertwined our hands and he pick up the things listed. My face falls as I spot Jane soon She spots us. A creepy smile emerges to her face. "Hey Tadam are you still up for the party? I'm just picking up some snacks and stuff." Her voice is very irritating and I know She saw me. "No I'm not." He says simply.

Her smile faded away then turn to a snarl. "Well your little girlfriend hear will just have to kn-" I stop her "I know already, so I don't care I do but I don't so..." She crossed her arms and looks like She thinking of a way to get back at me . Right when we are  about to leave She grabs Tadam and presses her lips to his. My mind is slower than my body. I rip her off of him and push her so I'm on top of her. Then I grab her hair and repeatedly bang her head and the floor as Tadam then pulls me off her. I have a. Sudden adrenaline and I want to beat her face in but Tadam drags me out of the store.

He pulls me into a hug then I notice my self crying. "Shhh calm down, relax your ok " he whispers refreshing words into my ear. "I'm s-sorry I don't even know why I'm crying, She didn't hurt me." I wipe my tears and we head back to the car. "Are you ok lovely? " I smile and nod as he starts the car home. "Did I win?" He burst out with laughter. I can't help but to laugh as well. "Of course you did even though you could have been arrested from fighting in a store." He grabs one of my hands eyes still on the road. "I've never been in a fight like that but She was pushing it." His eye brow lifts. "So you have been in a fight before?" He asks. I shake my head "no like physically but verbally with a friend yes." He sighs in relief.

He drops me off at my house with a kiss and drives off. I enter and apologize to my mom for not getting all the items. She asked why and I said 'they were all out' I trudge upstairs. A sudden itch comes to my wrist and I try to ignore it but I scratch at it anyway. Reopening the scars. I sigh and curl up on my bed.

Just another long day.

Hey you guys how'd you like the book so far.
. So sorry for slow update I have sol's coming up and I have had way more hw. But whatever.

Do you like the povs comments like and. Bye love you -h

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