War Games

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I ran to the back to talk to Jey. While I was on my way to the locker room, I ran into The Judgement Day. Before they could say anything, I said, "Before you even start, I am not interested in joining your emo club of whatever it is." I tried to walk past them, but Rhea Ripely shoved me back. "Listen here, you don't just brush off The Judgement Day" she yelled. "If you ever change your mind, our doors are always open to you" Damian said. Someone behind me said, "He's not interested, so just leave him alone." I turned around and say Jey standing behind me, staring down The Judgement Day. "No one was talking to you!" Rhea yelled. Jey responded, "I don't care, leave him alone." "Hey! Don't talk to Mami like that!" Dominik said. Jey looked disgusted. "Ew! You call her Mami?" he said. it looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Come on guys, we have to go" Finn said. Jey said, "Oh thank god, I thought that shit would never end." After The Judgement Day left Jey turned to me and smiled. "Hey, I'll drive you home." he said. I nodded, but I was also kind of confused. he was acting like the fight in the ring didn't happen. I wasn't going to ruin his mood, so I kept my mouth shut. 

On the ride home I decided to finally talk about what happened. "Hey, Jey?" I said. he said, without looking at me, "Yeah?" "Why are you acting like nothing happened earlier? I lost my match, then you and Sami started fighting, and everything started going downhill." Jey went quiet for a minute then said, "People lose matches sometimes." I realized he wasn't going to talk about it, so I gave up trying.

We pulled up to my house and I grabbed my bag out of his car before leaving. "Don't forget War Games is this weekend!" I said, getting out of the car. "Trust me, I know!" He said while pulling out of my driveway. I waited for him to drive away before going inside. When I walked inside I sat down on the couch and turned on a movie. I was thinking about Jey. He got really mad at Raw but acted like nothing happened after. We still haven't decided who is going to be in the War Games match yet. We started texting about it.

Y/n: So, who is all going to be in the War Games match for the bloodline?

Jey: Idk, I was hoping it would be me, you, Jimmy, Solo, and Roman

Sami: I want to be in the match too!

Jey: Don't care

Jimmy: Guys it's 12am, why are y'all up?

Sami: Your brother is trying to get me out of the War Games match

Jey: I feel as though Sami shouldn't be in the match because he's the weakest here

Sami: Bro wtf Jey? I have some talent in the ring, you just refuse to except it

Y/n: It was a simple question man-

Jimmy: Can you guys calm down, we could figure this out later

Roman: What is all this about?

Jey: I think Y/n should be in the War Games match but Sami doesn't want him to be

Sami: I never said I didn't want him in the match, I just said that I also want to be in it

Jey: Oh bullshit

Y/n: I'll be okay if I'm not in the match

Solo: Y/n and Sami can be in the match, I'll sit out

Y/n: You sure?

Solo: yeah, I'm sure

Jey: I still don't like the idea of working with Sami

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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