shadow draconian Aylia and her pet Bulldust

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 Name: Bulldust

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Name: Bulldust

Nicknames: big boy, boy, sweetie, skull crusher, Mr.grumpy

Likes: his owner Aylia, leafs, berries, dirt baths, nocking over trees, lumbering through the paths the sounds made for him, knocking Rubia off his back when she thinks she can ride him, snacking with quake, face rubs

Dislikes: thunder, baths, being herded, fences, being away from Aylia, other draconians trying to ride him (last time one tried to steal him Bulldust snapped their arm off with his beak, Rubia insulting him after he throws her off

Height: 10 feet 11 inches long

Length: 28 feet long

Weight: 4 tons

Diet: herbivore

Bulldust sounds

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