You'd Never Believe Me

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"I never asked you how you and Lindsey met," Jessie said, leading me over the a bench in a secluded rose garden at the end of the park. The first few days of September were treating London well, the sun was only just beginning to set and a warm breeze brushed through my hair.

"We went to school together back home, known her for nearly 15 years now. I was planning on moving down to London by myself almost 2 years before I did, put and offer on a flat and everything." I explained,

"How did she end up coming down with you" Jessie asked, "I don't mean to pry"

"It's alright," I smiled, "Lindsey's parents died in a car crash just over a year ago, she's an only child so she was sort of left by her self. We used some of her inheritance to buy a bigger place, for the both of us, I couldn't stand seeing her alone. She's got the rest of the money set aside in case of anything, just until she gets a job"

"God that's awful," Jessie whispered, her hand resting on my thigh, I rolled my shoulders back in attempt to shake off the adrenaline that was coursing through my system.

"She's OK though, she never had the best relationship with them"

"But in some cases I expect that's worse" Jessie finished, I nodded slowly, my eyes fixed on the ground in front of me. I subconsciously let my head drop onto Jessie's shoulder, immediately noticing how my heart soared when I did. Jessie's hand slid up and down my thigh and I felt her head turn to look at me. She smiled and shifted slightly, lifting my chin with her finger. Her eyes were soft and her finger traced along my cheek bone. She lent in slowly, causing me to smirk.

"It's my turn to ask the questions Cornish" I whispered, pulling away from her.

Jessie rolled her eyes and tucked her hair behind her ears, "Go on then, what do you want to know?"

"Is your hair real?" I blurted out,

Jessie threw her head back and laughed, "Out of everything, that's what you want to know, seriously?"

"I don't know, it was the first thing I could think of," I shrugged, "Is it?"

"Half of it is, feel" She pulled my hand into her scalp and guided it down her hair, "You can sort of feel where the extensions are"

"So it's all fake? It's all a lie!?" I said with faux horror,

Jessie laughed but played along, "I just can't keep in a secret anymore, Beth. I have to tell someone"

"What? Jessie you can tell me, it's going to be ok"

"I actually lip sync, I can't sing at all, it's all a lie!" She cried, burying her face in her hands. I giggled at her and laced my fingers in hers.

"Why do you did it Jessie?" I asked, "I always see on Instagram and Twitter you saying that you're homesick and lonely, why do you do it?"

"I wouldn't say I'm lonely as such," Jessie began, "I get homesick a hell of a lot, it's tough when I'm everywhere in the world apart from home. I wouldn't change it though, I love what I do, I always have, even during the toughest times."

"You're very honest, Jess" I mused, stroking my thumb across the back of her hand.

"And you're very beautiful" she answered,

"So are you," I grinned, "So I take it that you're from around here, where are all the sights then? What do I have to see?"

"It's so difficult to explain, I think it's probably better if I show you" She smirked,

"Are you asking me on another date?" I gasp, letting my lips twist into a slight smirk,

"Maybe" She answered coyly, chuckling slightly,

"You're very forward, Miss Cornish. I'm surprised, I never thought that you were actually-" I stopped myself, careful to not over step the mark,

"Actually what?" Jessie pushed, her eyes narrowed at my blank expression, "Actually gay?"

I was taken aback by her forwardness, "Well, yeah" I squeaked,

Jessie laughed and pulled our entwined hands over so they fell on her lap, "I'm not gay, or straight or bi," she said straightly, "If I meet someone who I like, I pursue it, it doesn't matter what their sex" She shrugged,

"Fair enough," I nodded,

"I was with someone for a while, but it didn't work, it was too hard" She said quietly,

"It must be hard, you being away all the time," I murmured,

"It can be, I have to learn to prioritise and sometimes the person I'm love with falls to be bottom of the list. It's shit but it's just one of those things"

"Can we stop talking about it" I pouted, "It's making me sad"

Jessie laughed and tucked a stray stand of hair behind my ear, "So, when am I going to show you the sights then? We have an amazing Tesco and if you're in the park on Sundays and you're really, really lucky, you might be able to catch the famous Essex drunk that resides there"


I was on cloud nine as I swung the door open at gone 11. Jessie and I decided to call it a night as it began to get chilly, and with neither of us feeling like it was appropriate inviting each other back to our respective houses yet, we went our separate ways. Lindsey was, of course, waiting eagerly for me when I returned and the fat smile on my face didn't exactly leave her guessing how it went.

"Someone looks smitten," She grinned at me, waggling her eyebrows,

"You actually tidied up," I said, shocked. Looking around the room, most of the boxes had been emptied and broken down, their insides having been dispersed throughout the house. We had books in bookcases, a rug on the floor, a fully functioning TV and even a desk in the corner; finished with a white lamp, "How long was I gone?"

"Ye' of little faith," Lindsey sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes, "The Tesco order arrived just after you left, I have a kitchen orientation session scheduled for 1100 hours,"

"Yes Ma'am," I saluted sarcastically,

"So are you going to tell me how it went? Who is she? What's she like?" Lindsey said eagerly, pulling me down onto the sofa.

"Her name is Jessie and she's really nice," I said simply, shrugging.

"Really?" Harriet said monotonously, "that is all you're going to give me?"

I laughed at her, "There's really not a lot to tell, L. We went for an Indian, then sat in the park for a bit, it was just-" I paused, wanting for the right word, "it was just nice. It felt nice to be with someone like that again"

"What does she do?" Lindsey continued, ignoring my invitation to embark on more deep and meaningful conversation,

"I didn't ask" I lied nonchantley,

"You're a liar," She accused,

"I'm not," I defended poorly,

"There's something you're not telling me isn't there?" She narrowed her eyes,

"No? What made you think that?" I shifted uncomfortable on the sofa,

"Did you get it on?" She coaxed, nudging me with her elbow,

"No Lindsey! I only just met the girl! I'm not you..." I finished, getting up off the sofa, "And on that note, I'm going to bed,"

"Hey! You know I stick religiously to my Third-Date-Rule" She whinged,

"Religiously is the wrong word for that particular rule, babe. Really, really the wrong word" I chuckled to myself, "Good night Lindsey" I said one last time,

"Beth?" Lindsey called out and I turned, "Who is she?"

I laughed once, "You'd never believe me if I told you"

A/N- Please share, vote and comment on this!! I want to know what you all think and what you want to see because I miss all your hilarious comments!! Let's get this on par with Climax :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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