A New Start

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"Push it forward a tiny bit, Beth's practically blind, she won't be able to see that TV from that far away" Lindsey mocked, marking the spot she wanted the removal man to settle the sofa with her feet. I felt sorry for the poor guys, she'd had them carrying out her dirty work all day.

"The sofa is fine where it is, guys, you've been so great," I smiled at them, hinting at Lindsey to pay the men and let them go home, moving is tiring and I wanted to fall into my nice new bed.

Lindsey flicked through the paper work she had fastened tightly onto her clipboard and nodded with satisfaction. She herded the 3 men out of the living room and led them swiftly out of our brand new door, in our brand new flat. I flopped onto the newly positoned sofa and breathed in the scent of new home. This was going to be a fresh start for the two of us, away from the country side, we could make a future for ourselves.

"So are you cooking tonight?" Lindsey asked, lying on the rug at my feet,

"Oh yeah sure, I'll just crack on cooking the dust and air we've got tucked away in the fridge" I scoffed, kicking her lightly, "Why are you on the floor?"

"My uterus hates me" She groaned dramatically, pulling her knees into chest and rocking herself manically, "I just want pizza, wine and chocolate"

"Well isn't it your lucky day then" I coaxed, grabbing the Morrisons bag that I'd thrown on the puff and pulling it protectively into my chest, "It just so happens that I grabbed a few essentials before we shipped ourselves over here and, oh look at that..." I threw a box of Celebrations at Lindsey, "and oh, what's this?" I pulled a bottle of White out of the bag and made a little fanfare noise as Lindsey bowed down to the bottle.

"Do you have a menu for Dominos?" Lindsey asked, jumping to her feet,

"Do you really need a menu?"

"Point..." She noted, pulling her phone from her pocket,

"Please don't tell me you have Dominos on speed dial"

"I don't have Dominos on speed dial?" Lindsey lied, her face going red,

"You're embarrassing mate. Just get me some bloody chicken strips." I rolled my eyes at her and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed the box labelled "Glass and shit" and began to fit the glasses into one of the cupboards. I did it messily because I knew Lindsey well enough to know that she'd be right up along behind me moving them to another cupboard because that one was the designated "cup cupboard" but I wanted to get a crack on the boxes, they made the whole place seem cluttered and unhomely. I saved two wine glasses from the box and topped them to the brim with the cheap wine I'd bought from the supermarket. I took a quick sip and screwed my face up as the alcohol hit the back of my throat. Well, you get what you pay for I guess. Lindsey won't care, wine is wine.

We hadn't set the TV up properly yet so we played Netflix through my Laptop, grabbed a duvet and snuggled down on the sofa together. We were comfy for a couple of minutes before Lindsey started wiggling beside me.

"What on earth are you doing?" I moaned at her, pushing the duvet dramatically from us onto the floor.

"I need to take my bra off it's too tight" she moaned

"We'll take it off then" I quizzed,

"I'm trying," she wiggled around more, her arms in twists up her back, "don't get any ideas you know, this isn't a strip tease"

"Don't flatter yourself babe, you're really not my type" I sighed, picking at my nails

"You more about butch lesbians or?"

"No, just attractive ones" I muttered, smirking

"Maybe just- Oi!" She whined, flicking her bra behind her,

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