Chapter 5

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 Birdie couldn't bring herself to get out of bed yet. The sun was streaming in through the curtains, and she could feel it on her skin, warming her up, a nice contrast to the fresh air flowing in from the open window. She stretched her arms above her head her eyes rolling back into her head and a satisfied sound escaped her lips from the stretch. 

Zoe groaned from next to her. Birdie sighed, she needed to tend to the wounded, the wounded being Zoe. She sat up and turned to Zoe, she had one eye open but could see Zoe try to snuggle further into the pillow that rested on top of her head to hide her eyes from the bearing sun. 

"Good morning sunshine," Birdie sang cheerfully, ripping the top pillow off of Zoe's head.

"No!" Zoe cried throwing her arms over her face.

"Come on, we have the whole day ahead of us!" Birdie pulled the covers back and walked into her wardrobe she looked in her mirror, her makeup was still on from last night, a reminder that it happened. Sighing she grabbed some leggings and a jumper out of her set of draws. She sat down at her makeup table and began taking off her makeup with a reusable cotton pad and some makeup remover. 

"What even happened last night?" Zoe said walking in behind her and sitting on the stool by the mirror that Birdie used to reach the high things on her robe shelves.

"You don't remember?" Birdie raised an eyebrow as she handed Zoe a hairbrush. Zoe shook her head and took the hairbrush and began to brush through the tangled mop on her head.

"Well I would call skinny dipping in Jacob Bacon's pool, Kissing Jacob's mum and being arrested a successful night out," Birdie said. 

She watched as Zoe's face turned from shock to confusion and then finally to annoyance, this made Birdie laugh.

"Come on! Tell me what really happened!"

Birdie recounted the events of last night to Zoe whilst she got changed and Zoe brushed the tangles out of her hair.

"What is Scott's problem?" Zoe said rolling her eyes. They had relocated to the kitchen where Birdie was shamelessly ordering them a buffet breakfast to be delivered ASAP on her phone. The diner would deliver within the hour and satified with this she placed her phone down and looked at Zoe. 

"I know, like I get it looked a bit bad," Birdie stopped when she saw Zoe's raised eyebrow,

 "Okay it looked very bad. But he could've just let Liam explain! I am sure it was just a harmless prank or something."

"Or something," Zoe shrugged.

"You don't trust him?"

"Trust him? We hardly even know him, he seems okay, and he fixed the power in my house so I can't complain, it hasn't gone back off since," Zoe said nodding, thinking back to the time Liam helped them with the power outage.

Birdie sighed. 

She had so many questions for Liam, why did he turn the lights off? 

Was it just a trick? 

Was he trying to be funny? 

And why were his family asking questions about her and what happened to Alex?

 He was mysterious, and never gave up any information about himself, not even his name. At school he kept to himself, no one made an effort to be friends with him. He went to school and then as far as Birdie knows he came straight back home. There was something off about him and she wanted to know, she had a feeling it was going to get her in a lot of trouble, but she had to find out.

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