Belonging Chained By His Past Sins

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Madara had found a crude routine as the weeks passed, but didn't allow himself to become anymore comfortable in his attendance at Beacon. He would only ever attend the combat classes, dominating in every spar he had taken part in. Yang, Weiss, Nora, Ren, Jaune, Cardin, and even Pyrrha. Names he now knew only as combatants that had fallen before him.

But Madara had to give credit where credit was due, these huntsmen in training weren't half-bad. Sure, none of them had pushed him into losing even a single drop of his newly acquired aura, but each of his opponents still had merit.

Except Jaune.

But other than that, he had not interacted with the students one bit, save for the occasional greeting to Ruby if she waved at him. He made sure his clone always sat in the corner at lunch, using a subtle genjutsu to make people forget he was even there.

Still though, Madara strived to test his newly found strength, one of the reasons why he had been going out to the city every night. None of his escapades had been quite as murderous as his first, but still, he was slowly beginning to to grasp a better understanding of how this world operated. Nevertheless, Madara still hadn't found a foe to challenge him.

Currently, the sun was setting and the Ghost of the Uchiha was in his dorm room, sharpening his Kama diligently. He had received all of his weapons a while ago, sans his Gunbai, which Argenta was still working on. They were expertly crafted, some of the best he had ever seen. He had yet to show them off to anyone, mostly out of habit. He kept his cards close to his chest, he was a shinobi, after all.

Just as Madara was wiping down the blade, his sage mode altered him to a presence approaching his door. He rolled his eyes at the feel of it.


Madara didn't hate the girl, but the resemblance to his brother made his heart ache with each glance. It was one of the reasons he avoided her, but still, he felt a little bad about it. So putting on a mask of calm, he quietly stowed away his weapons and approached the door.

He stopped for a moment, debating if he should just go back to work and just ignore the poor girl. But, eventually, Madara's (admittedly miniscule) conscience won out, and resolved himself to open the door as he heard the first knock.

He gingerly pulled it open, eyes now viewing Ruby in full. She was clearly nervous, but had a small smile on her face. She was twiddling her thumbs, looking hesitantly into the Uchiha's eyes.

What did she want?

"What can I do for you, Ruby?" Madara asked, looming over the girl. Ruby visibly brightened when she wasn't immediately dismissed, and gave Madara a beaming smile.

"H-hey, Madara! I was just w-wondering if you would want to come over to my team's dorm room. We're playing games! I already asked team JNPR, but they were busy so I just wanted to see if you wanted to come-" Madara stopped her spiral by placing a single finger on her lips, offering a humorous glance of his own. Madara internally weighed his options. He really didn't feel like doing...well, anything. But...

He had promised to be her friend.

"I suppose if it's alright with them, I would have no problem coming over." Madara's voice was deathly calm, yet still made Ruby squeal in delight.

"Really?!? Come one then, let's go!"

It was at this moment that Madara regretted his decision, feeling himself be dragged by the wrist and supersonic speeds thru the halls of Beacon academy, finally stopping at team RWBY's dorm room. With no hesitation, Ruby threw open the door, making all three occupants shriek in surprise. Madara's eyes were immediately darting around the small space at inhuman speeds, taking in every last detail. The three other girls were in various places around the room. Yang was on the floor, playing on her scroll. Blake was in her bed, reading a book. Amd Weiss was at her desk, studying for some test two months away.

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