Web Of Lies

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Madara had a small smile on his face as he walked down the pathway through the middle of the stands, the Akatsuki beside him as the masses came down from their seats. They had just finished spectating JNPR's first match, and while not quite as impressive as Team RWBY's (he's not biased, why would you say that?), they had still put on a good performance.

'This is actually rather refreshing, to be able to watch these battles and just relax. Perhaps I should go to more tournaments?' He mused to himself as he and his team reached the bottom, wading through the crowds of people as they walked towards where the Bullheads were supposed to pick them up at.

He still thought that was a dumb name.

"Madara!!" He turned when he heard Ruby shouting his name, a cloud of red petals barreling towards him at hypersonic speeds. He could have easily dodged the surprise hug, but he'd rather not upset his friend. He let her arms wrap around him as she looked up into his eyes with a satisfied and gleeful expression.

"Madara, did you see that? They're all so strong! Especially Pyrrha!" The shinobi chuckled at the younger girl's excitement, before gently pulling her away and nodding.

"Yes, they were quite impressive, weren't they? But still, I believe that your match was superior." Ruby blushed at the praise, looking at the ground as the rest of her team finally caught up to her. He rolled his eyes at Ruby's bashfulness, looking up at the rest of her team who just snorted at their leader's attitude.

"Don't be so modest, Ruby! You beating up that invisible guy was sooooo cool!" Amber but in with a blinding grin, grabbing Ruby by the chin and forcing her head up. Madara just watched as his disguised subordinate made a fool of herself, sighing even though he was quite amused.

"Yes, that was quite impressive." Adam added, the group of eight beginning to walk towards the Bullhead and JNPR joined them, making a dozen teens that quickly boarded one of the many airships leading back to Beacon.

"Hey, what's wrong, Weiss? You seem nervous." Ruby pointed out as they all took her seats, making Madara look at the Schnee Heiress. She indeed did have a look of unease on her face, but it was combined with this odd sort of excitement that he couldn't quite place.

"Oh... um, it- it's nothing. It's just that, my sister is supposed to be arriving to Beacon very shortly... and we don't exactly have the... best relationship. But still, I'm excited to see her again, I haven't since I left for Beacon." The white haired girl explained, making everybody give her sympathetic looks. Well, all for a few of them. Adam just looked away awkwardly, not really wanting to be involved in the troubles of a Schnee. Kuro just stared off into space like usual, the others having sort of gotten used to her lack of emotion. Madara just gave her a knowing gaze, humming in thought before responding.

"Family trouble, eh? I can relate, it's not always easy to face your lineage." Madara said while crossing his arms, making the others turn to him. Ruby's eyes widened, looking at her friend with sympathy and sadness, as she was the only one who knew what had become of his family. Weiss gave him an odd look, cocking her head as if to try and figure out what he meant. But Madara just gave a knowing look, satisfied to keep his secrets for now.

Soon enough, the Bullhead arrived at Beacon, the group of teens walking out and onto the school grounds. Despite Weiss' earlier nerves, the high of not one, but two Beacon victories in the first round of the festival was something to be celebrated. As all of the kids went around at the different stands, Madara let the Akatsuki run free. Amber had joined up with Yang and Nora, forming a trio with so much energy that Naruto would be jealous. Adam was with Blake, the two having what seemed to be a peaceful conversation. Madara was surprised that the boy could keep his cool while around his ex-girlfriend and partner, but he supposed he shouldn't be complaining. He had Kuro wander over to one of the many games the staff had set up, just to get her out of the way and give her something to do.

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