Little Ones

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It was Saturday morning and Sunghoon had a class of kids to teach figure skating to, but he could not concentrate for long enough to actually do his job properly. In all honesty, Sunghoon was ashamed of his attitude that morning, it was very unlike him. However, he guessed that having the prospect of meeting the kids of the guy you are dating in a couple of hours would make anyone a bit anxious and distracted. The anticipation was killing him and the fact that Heeseung had arranged the meeting for it to be right after he finished work had him losing focus a couple of times. He was lucky none of the kids noticed and that no one was hurt. Though, he did fall a couple of times while setting everything up.

If he had been anxious while his class was taking place, after if he couldn’t stop shaking. He tried to calm himself, he was good with kids and he was just meeting them for lunch. They’d eat and everything would go splendidly. He didn’t know how much Heeseung had told his kids about him, but maybe he could pass as a friend of their dad for the time being. Heeseung had said his kids were pretty open to new people, at least one of them was and the other would follow soon enough. He had nothing to worry about.

No matter how many times he repeated that to himself, he still found himself worried.

As he finished putting everything away and changing his clothes, he was not going to meet Heeseung’s children in work clothes, he noticed two of his students hadn’t been picked up yet. It was weird because Riki and Jungwon were always picked up on time by their grandmother, so he grew concerned for them and her. 

“What happened? Is your grandma coming late today?” He asked, trying to sound calm and playful, a difficult task at the moment.

“No, daddy’s coming to pick us up today,” Jungwon answered without looking at him. Now that he thought about it, Jungwon had been off the whole day.

“That’s great, you’ll spend some time with him?” He continued the conversation, hoping they’d overshare like they always did. If their dad was going to pick them up for the first time ever, there was a high chance something had happened to their grandma. He’d hate to see them upset or for something to have happened to such a sweet person as their grandma was.

“Sort of…” Jungwon seemed upset, or maybe just uncomfortable.

“He’s taking us out for lunch,” Riki answered instead. He didn’t seem particularly faced by the situation, so it couldn’t be that bad. Or maybe he just didn’t get it.  Sunghoon was definitely overthinking. 

“That sounds fun, do you know where he’s taking you?” Sunghoon asked. He was going to be ate to his date, to the first meeting with Heeseung’s kids, but it wasn’t like he could just leave while they were there waiting. Not the best first impression for the kids, but he was sure Heeseung would understand. 

“No idea, he said we are meeting his boyfriend,” Riki answered honestly, sounding a bit excited. Sunghoon, on the other hand, stopped breathing for a second. That had to be a coincidence, there was no way Riki and Jungwon were Heeseung’s kids. He may not know their dad, but neither of them had Heeseung’s family name. Though, given the circumstances, Heeseung may not have changed their last name to his. 

“I don’t like this,” Jungwon complained. “He has us and granny, he doesn't need a boyfriend… he has us,” Jungwon repeated. Sunghoon was starting to think his future meeting wouldn’t go so well; Jungwon and Riki were the same age as Heeseung’s sons. He should not have a breakdown before getting confirmation, but he couldn’t help it.

“Well… yeah,” Riki agreed with Jungwon, Sunghoon felt like he was going to faint. “But daddy’s happy, I want him to be happy.” Jungwon seemed ready to argue, but then he was interrupted. Also, Sunghoon’s fear and nervousness increased tenfold. 

“Sorry I’m late, I had—” Heeseung choked on absolutely nothing once he realised Sunghoon was standing in front of him, having a conversation with his kids. Sunghoon was going to jump off a bridge.

“Daddy!” In case Sunghoon needed any more confirmation, Jungwon quickly ran to Heeseung for a hug.

“Daddy, Jungwon was being mean to your boyfriend!” Riki accused him. Heeseung froze for a moment, not realising they didn’t know it was Sunghoon.

“Did you tell them?” Heeseung asked, Riki hanging off of one of his arms and Jungwon wrapped around his legs.

“I didn’t even know you were his dad until a minute ago,” Sunghoon defended himself. This was not how he had thought the meeting would go. To be fair, though, he hadn’t considered he’d already know the kids.

Suddenly, Jungwon gasped, loudly and exaggeratedly. “Mr. Park is daddy’s boyfriend!” He abruptly concluded. “Not fair!” He complained.

“This is awesome!” Riki exclaimed as he also connected the dots.

“Why isn’t it fair?” Sunghoon asked against his better judgement.

“I didn’t want to like daddy’s boyfriend, but I already like Mr. Park…” Jungwon pouted, and Sunghoon had to admit it was really adorable.

“Does this mean we can stay longer on the ice now?” Riki asked. Sunghoon determined he’d probably have to deal with that question every single class they had from then on. He still wasn’t regretting his decision to meet them, though.

“I think we have lunch to get to right now,” Sunghoon countered quickly, at which Riki protested, but it was short lived. 


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