Chapter 1

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15:30, the alarm clock read 15:30 and Sunny had only just now woken up. With the addition of the warm sunlight that basked on his face from the crack of his curtains and the sensation of needing to go the bathroom, there was no point in trying to sleep any further. With his sister away abroad and mother temporarily out of state for work, there was no one home to wake him up at a reasonable time. 

But it was summer break, so it's not as if he needed to be up early anyways. After yawing until his eyes got teary, Sunny eventually gathered up enough energy to pry his sluggish body from the bed and he headed to the bathroom to get washed up.

After getting ready, ready being used sparingly since all he did was brush his teeth, the scrawny boy moved downstairs to fix himself breakfast. He grabbed a cold waffle and a glass of water before flopping himself on the couch to watch t.v. 


Of course, right when he started to relax something had to interrupt. He didn't really have any idea who it could be. Maybe some sales person trying to scam him or maybe it was those girl scouts trying to sell their gluten free cookies again. All he knew was that it probably wasn't any of his friends since they've all been occupied with their own endeavors. Aubrey's been attending sports camp, Basil had been doing his community service hours non-stop, Hero was at college, and Kel seemed to be occupied with sports. He hadn't really spoken to any of them since school ended a week or two ago. 

After some thought on whether to pretend he was home or not, Sunny reluctantly got up to open the door...only to come face to face with an orange jersey with a cat print on it. 


 It didn't take long before Sunny looked up to see who was sporting it.

"Pretty crazy right!" Kel beamed as the sun shined from the back of his head, making him almost look majestic in a weird way. "I practically grew a foot in a week!" He said as he held his hand over Sunny's head, enunciating the difference. 

That IS crazy. When they were younger Kel was the shortest out of everybody. Aubrey would always tease him for it and he'd swear one day he'd rise above the rest. Clearly all those prayers and milk had paid off because now Sunny was being completely swallowed by his newly tall friends shadow.

"Man, I can't wait to see the looks on Aubrey and Hero's faces! They're totally gonna freak out!" Kel said cheekily, with his hands placed on his hips. 

Sunny just stared at him confused. Seriously how did he grow so much in such little time.

"Soooooooooooooo......what's up?" Kel grinned, swaying from side to side, looking past Sunny into his house. 

"Oh, nice! You're watching the new 'The adventures of Captain Spaceboy' show? I haven't had the chance to sit down and watch it but I heard it's really good."

Sunny simply nodded. He had always been the quite type yet he still tended to do subtle gestures to make sure people knew that he was listening and their words weren't just going through one ear and out the other. 

"" Kel mumbled quietly whilst Sunny turned his head away to watch the show, expecting Kel to continue talking.

But, while his friend Sunny was distracted, Kel couldn't help but take the opportunity to...'observe' his friend. He looked him up and down. From his short black hair to his eyes, nose, and mouth, to his shirt and arms, to his hands and legs finally landing his eyes on his feet or I guess socks. Sunny was...kinda nice to look at.. if Kel could look at him all day he would...but that's because he's just an attractive person. There's nothing wrong with finding your friends to be pretty..

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