Chapter 4

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'It's so warm out today...' Kel thought as he headed towards Faraway Park.

It had been a week since he realized he had feelings for his longtime friend, Sunny. And as he had predicted, his feelings didn't go away, yet only grew stronger. Sometimes he wanted to go back on what he said about waiting a couple of weeks before confessing. Anytime he saw Sunny, he just wanted to completely spoil him with affection but he knew the only way he'd be able to do that is if they started dating. Other times, he even couldn't imagine confessing. What if Sunny didn't reciprocate his feelings? Or what if Sunny and him grew apart if he confessed? Merely thinking about gave Kel a knot in his stomach, so he tried his best not to.

Finally arriving at his destination, Kel turned the corner to the park. As he walked up ahead he saw his friends Cris and Jay waving him over to the court and jogged over to them.

"Hey guys." he huffed as he stopped to catch his breath.

"Hey." The two replied in unison. 

Cris cupped her chin in her hands as she sat on a bench. "What took you so long!?"

"Yeah, you were supposed to be here an HOUR ago." Jay added. 

"I thought I was gonna wither away from waiting!" Cris sneered.

Kel threw his bag down. "Well sorry! My old man was on my back all last night and this morning. He kept pressing me for not being responsible enough and I how should be more like my brother..." he rolled his eyes at the thought. He loved his brother and his parents but sometimes he'd wish they'd give him a break and stop comparing him all the time.  Honestly, that was one of the pros of Hero going away to college since his overwhelming perfectness wasn't constantly shoved in everyone's faces. 

"Hey, I get it. My folks are always giving me a hard time about my grades and whatnot." Jay stood up and grabbed the basketball Kel had dropped on the ground. "But enough talk, you guys up for a game?"

"You don't even need to ask!" Kel grinned as he snatched the ball, jogging away backward.

The three spent a good 1 hour and a half on the court, Kel mostly dominated the game and scored the majority of the points. What can he say, basketball's kind of his thing. 

"Over here!" Cris said as she flailed her arms around.

Kel threw the ball with full force causing it to zip by Cris, nearly knocking her out in the process.

"JEEZ! What the heck!" she shouted as she ducked out of the way.

The brunette scratched the back of his head guiltily "Whoops, my bad." he said as he hurried away to catch the runaway ball.

The basketball made its way past the playground all the way to the opening of the secret hideout. The same secret hideout he, his brother, Sunny, Mari, Basil and Aubrey would hold their signature picnics. 

As the ball quickly flew in, Kel heard a yelp from past the plants. "Ah!" 

Upon further investigation, he found the owner of the voice.

"Oh hey Basil! What're you doing here?"

The blond boy stood up from where he crouched, revealing a recently squashed bed of flowers. "Well I was just admiring these daisies," he walked over and picked up Kel's basketball. "Until your ball rolled into them."

Basil handed Kel the ball. "Whoops, sorry about that." the brunette said with a smile.

He patted himself down. "It's fine, neither of us got hit or anything."

Kel raised his eyebrow. "Neither of us?"

Before Basil could even elaborate, Kel felt a cold tap on his shoulder.

those summer days {Omori}Where stories live. Discover now