Chapter 5

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Just like him and Sunny had decided, the two met up frequently at the park. They would start off with basketball practice, which mainly consisted of Sunny showing off his lack of hand-eye coordination and Kel's lack of safe basketball tricks, but they would eventually get caught up in other things after that. Things such as cloud gazing, trips to Gino's and drawing together. Of course, Kel had his fair share of embarrassing moments where he'd be a little too friendly to Sunny but he never seemed to mind, which always made him feel better and a little less weird. He enjoyed every second he spent with Sunny and he was nervous about him finding out about his feelings, he didn't want to ruin their friendship but on the other hand, he didn't know how much longer he would be able to hold his feelings in.

Luckily, he had his older brother Hero, who he confided in whenever he thought he did something embarrassing or when he needed input on the implications of a certain sentence. 

'Man, I miss him...' Kel thought as he sat bored on the park bench, supervising Sally who was crawling in the grass. Typically his parents would have him and his brother take her out, 'sibling bonding' as they'd say, but Hero had left for college a few days prior so Kel was left in charge of Sally that day. He wished his brother's spur-of-the-moment visit lasted longer but c'est la vie, he knew he'd come back sometime but he really wanted him around to give him advice about...

"Sunny!" Kel exclaimed, unconsciously straightening his posture.  "I didn't see you there!" 

Sunny stood in front of him wearing a black polo and cargo shorts, holding his signature sketchbook to his chest. He cleared his throat. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

Kel scooted over. "Ah-no it's okay, I just wasn't expecting to see you today. I thought you were gonna go shopping with your mom-she is back in town right?"

Sunny nodded as he took a seat beside Kel. "Something came up so..." 

"Mm.." Kel hummed, understanding what his friend meant without needing him to finish. "So..." Kel began, hands placed firmly on his lap. "Are we gonna draw again today?"

"Mhm..." Sunny opened his pencil case and rummaged through for a sharpened pencil. "If that's okay with you.."

"Oh yeah, it's fine with me." the brunette assured with a smile. "I like...drawing with're a good artist..." he added softly, looking away to the grass from embarrassment. 

"Thanks.." Sunny chuckled, taking a quick glance at the boy that sat next to him. 

The black-haired boy then adjusted himself so that he was in a position where he was sitting to face Kel with his sketchbook propped up on his thighs. Kel leaned over to see what he was doodling but Sunny quickly tilted the sketchbook down, away from his view. "It's a surprise," he mumbled, with a playful smile.

The brunette shot back to his prior position. "Ah okay..!" He shifted his eyes away from the boy who sat beside him and tried his best to find something more interesting that he could distract himself with.

He waited for about 7 minutes, only accompanied by the sounds of graphite scratching on sketchbook paper and the sounds of children laughing on the playground. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait any longer because he then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned over to the boy who sat beside him and was met to a shockingly accurate portrait of himself.

Kel held the sketchbook in front of him. "Holy cow! DUDE this is so.." he brought the sketchbook closer to his face. "THIS IS SO GOOD!" he yelled, filled to the brim with awe from how talented his friend was. "DUDE YOU DREW MY MOLES AND EVERYTHING!" Kel was seriously surprised at the amount of detail Sunny was able to add in such a short amount of time. He wondered when and how he even noticed half the things he sketched. Like the mole the rested on his forehead, forever hidden away by his bangs. The mere thought of that made the boy's face heat up.

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