Prologue: A bog-standard heist

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Mundi Dominatus

Prologue: A bog standard heist

-The city of Drybeach, The republic of Espex.

-43rd of summer 1812


The streets are slowly emptying, as the sun is moving towards twilight. In the desolation of an old alleyway, four men exit the back door of a tavern. "Come on, we got a date, remember?"
Says the man in front, They all give a quiet nod, and step up a notch in pace.

"Why has it got to be Drybeach of all places? Why can't we get something on a nice beach or something?" The tall female figure says.

"If you want to go collect seashells, that is fine by me. However, I doubt you will be able to make a living off it. Now shut up and get into position, Gradhan." The man in front retorts, annoyance in his voice.

"Aye aye captain." she drearily responds.

Moving towards the southern side of the city, the female figure splits off from the main group. Disappearing into another alleyway.

"Marticus, you scouted the place, right? What is security like?"

One of the figures moves next to the leading man.
"There are a couple of guards on the premises, mostly keeping people from robbing their gardens. One guard on the inside, however they are also using a magical security system operated by a mage that lives inside the building. They activate it at 8pm once they go to bed." He states.

"Recul, you think you'll be able to get around that?" The front figure turns around to the man in the back.

"Easy as pie, won't be a problem." he gives an okay hand sign

"What about the guards, how much are they getting paid?" He turns back towards the man besides him.

"Not enough, and especially around this hour they're getting tired and bored, shifts switch at 10pm. So if we enter at 8 we should be able to get out before a fresh batch of guards comes in."

"Additionally, the city guards have a 10-minute response time to this alarm. Seems they're slow over here."

"Good, let's keep it down low and quiet. No need for anyone to get hurt."

"Aye aye captain!" The rest let out in unison.

The group approaches the outskirts of the manor, a large fence surrounds the gardens and pathway leading to the building.
The back most figure takes a moment to look around, before starting to fiddle with the lock on the gate. The other two stand by, guarding.

"Jeman, look." One of the figures, points over towards the building. Inside the building, the lights are still on, and several figures can be seen moving around the building.
The man fiddling with the lock looks up for a second, and then turns back to the lock

"Their mage is activating the alarms, they should go to bed in about 10 minutes".
A little click can be heard from the lock. He gives a little nod towards the rest, and slowly opens the gate.

Slowly creeping in, the three of them stick to the shadows, the soft crunch of the gravel beneath their feet. The first 20 meters are gardens, before a good 30 meters of open ground leading up to the building.
Approaching the end of the gardens, the lead man gives a hand sign back to the rest. They slow down, a guard passes by in front of them. One of the men unsheathes their dagger. The front figure simply shakes his head. After a long second, the guard continues on his path, letting out a large yawn.
The rest continue on to the very edge of the wall. Peaking around the corner, there appears to be no guards around. The front man looks back, gives a nod, and the three of them start sprinting.

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