Chapter 1: "A job's a job..."

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— Somewhere near the eleutherian lake

— 21st of autumn 1812

— 4:30pm

"Man, how long is it going to take them?" Gradhan is standing by the almost dried up well. Tapping her foot impatiently.

"As long as they need to to catch dinner. So stop whining and start chopping the firewood." Marticus is slowly setting up a campfire.

"Aye aye..." She reluctantly picks up a log and starts to chop wood.

It had been over 5 weeks since their last job. Eventually, they stopped being able to pay for their stay at the tavern, and reluctantly moved back to an old safe house near the eleutherian lake. This village had been abandoned years ago, when the nearby mine had come up empty.
Now it was a place most lowlifes knew about, and went to when they needed to get away.
However, their reserves were running low. And this shelter would not be enough to last them the winter.

"Here's your wood." Gradhan throws a couple split logs towards Marticus.

"Jesus! Watch it! Not everyone is strong enough to just casually wave around a couple logs!" Marticus says whilst barely dodging the wood flying at him.

She just gives him a shrug, before grabbing another log.

Something in the nearby bushes moves. Marticus' hand is immediately on his weapon.
Gradhan gives him a weird look
"It's probably just the others, you..."

"It's not, they left chasing a deer to the north. This is coming from the south." He whispers.

She immediately realizes, and reaches for her weapon.

From the bushes emerges a man in a black priest's outfit. His hands raised above his head
"There's no need for violence here, gentleman and woman." His voice is smooth as silk and his words linger for a second.
Something about this man is familiar to Marticus. But he can't quite put his finger on it.

"Name, Occupation, reason for being here." Marticus spouts at him. Dagger still in hand.

"Father Puck, priest of Captiosus, I have a job for you" He takes another couple steps towards the others.

Gradhan starts slowly lowering her weapon. 

"What's the job?" Marticus is still on edge, he is holding his dagger by the blade.

"A wealthy man in the town of Praedium has recently bought an ancient relic, I've appealed to him for a chance to study it. But they've shot me down every time. I want you to steal it." The man starts slowly lowering his hands.

"Show me your badge" Marticus' voice is considerably lower now.

The man pulls out a badge emblazoned with a C and several doves.

Marticus lowers his weapon. "Well then, father Puck. If you will allow, half of our group is currently out hunting. We shall make the decision on this job together."

"Well, I have places to be, my church will notice me missing. I don't have a lot of time." He lowers his hands completely.

Marticus sighs, "Just give me the details. I'll decide from there."

"Where to start, where to start... Well the relic you're after is a sword, a long sword to be precise, it has a golden hand guard and a miniature family painting embedded in the pommel of the sword. It is currently in the possession of the major of the town, Zaine Longspirit, a half giant like your friend there." He points towards Gradhan.

"It's exact location is believed to be the top of the tower belonging to the Longspirit mercenary company. There they have a vault with all sorts of valuables, however you are only after the long sword there. Anything else you find is for yourself. I will pay you 1,000 denars for this job, 500 now, 500 upon retrieval of the sword. I would like it delivered to the church of Captiosus in Oceanpost." He pulls out a wad of denars, bound by a piece of paper.
"Do you accept?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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