The day it all happend

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I walked into my Science lesson and nearly instantly I felt eyes on me. I looked around then met my teacher's eyes starring right at me, But not at me, no he was starring right at my partly soaked goodnite.

Ok let me explain, I was never great at remembering stuff so when I was a kid I always forgot when to got to the toilet, the still Bothers me. However I have gotten better at day time accidents it still happens time to time, so I still have to wear a goodnite.

Didn't help that both of my parents abandoned me after they found the out.

But today I just forgot to take of the one from last night so yeah, I'v been wearing my own piss for like 5 hours now, and I'm to scared to go to the nurses office, But let's get back to the story.

I hadn't really thought about it to much because all the staff in my school know I have a problem but no other members of staff noticed today other than this teacher called Johnathan but everyone called him Mr Grinch.

After class he said " Layla can you stay behind I need to speak to you about your behaviour" so I did I sat back down and he came over to me and sat right next to me. He said "you really need a change, let's go to the office" "No" I said, he looked shocked by this statement "do you not want to be changed?" He said with the voice that a parent gives to a child.

"Well I do it's just, when I go down there to get change it all feels awkward" I said looking away from him "can I be 100% Honest with you" I asked "of course you can" he said trying to as calm as possible, "well I'm kinda.. a tbdl" i said really Nervously.

"What is that?" He said with a puzzled expression, "well it stand for teen baby diaper lover, but I just like the diaper lover bit" I looked down "well that reminds me, me and my wife can't have children... do you want to be a baby for us?.."  I looked up in shock at what my teacher just said.

"Of course I would" I said my eyes lighting up. "Well does that mean you want me to change you?" He said unsure, I just nod my head slowly. He sat me down and undid my goodnite taking off that sides before releasing he didn't have something to change me into.

I stood up and ran around to the cupboard and came out with a package of diapers size 7 "sorry about this, it's just these are here for a lesson" he said, I was ok with it I just had to say to him "by the way you would need to speak to the adoption Centre about you adopting me" he just replied with a quick "I know hunny buns" followed by a quick "you better get to class I can only keep you behind for so long."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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