The Red Cat and the Blue Angel ( Part 1 )

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Once upon a time, there lived a lonely red cat, on a big, red world.

Every day, the lonely cat would sit besides the black tree and look at the crimson sky. In the sky, there was a bright, blue moon. The cat would stare at the moon, and say: " I wish I could go visit the moon."

One day, the red cat decided to go visit the blue moon. It realized that it didn't know how to go there. So, the red cat went on a journey to find a way to go to the moon.

"The mountain is the highest place that I know of. Will I be able to reach the moon if go to the top?"The cat climbed up a mountain in hopes that it will reach the moon. When the cat was on top of the mountain, it checked the sky and saw the blue moon, far away from it's reach.

"I can't reach it!", the cat said. The red cat was very disappointed.

An old goat approached the crimson cat.

"Hello child, what brings you here?", the old goat said.

" I came to visit the moon.", the cat said. " Do you know how to go there?"

The old goat chuckled and told the lonely cat: " No, I don't know how to go to the moon."

The cat was, again, very disappointed.

The red cat said goodbye to the old goat and went down the mountain.

The lonely cat walked for days in the red, red world and finally, it came across a beautiful red river. The cat stared at the water and saw the sky on the water's surface. The red cat looked back up and saw the blue moon on the familiar red sky.

The lonely cat reached out towards the moon when a fish spoke.

"Hello young fellow, what brings you here?"

"I came to visit the moon", the cat said. "Do you know how to go there?"

The fish laughed and told the cat: " No, I don't know how to go to the moon."

The cat, disappointed, bid farewell to the fish and continued it's journey.

The lonely red cat walked for a very long time and it still couldn't find a way to go to the moon.

One day, while the cat walked on a plain filled with crimson flowers, it saw a blue light on top of a hill.

The cat approached the light in curiosity and saw a creature with beautiful blue wings weeping in sorrow.

" What's wrong?", the cat asked.

The blue winged angel answered in a sad tone.

" I came from the moon in the sky but I broke my wings while coming here. Now, I can't go back to my home."

The angel cried as the cat tried to help the winged creature.

" Don't worry, I'm sure there's a way to go back home."

The cat then had an idea.

" I know! How about we search for a way to go to the moon together? I wanted to go there too!"

The blue angel was very delighted to hear this.

The red cat and the blue angel began their adventure in this crimson world.

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