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There was fire everywhere, it covered the home which a baby was just born, an angry mod with pitchforks yelling, screaming for the mother of the baby to be killed "KILL THE BEAST AND THE WITCH" they screamed, the mother gathered as much as she could within the flaming house, a small box filled with a small baby blanket which withheld said beast.

The mother sobbing with tears grabbed another small box with unknown containments, she threw it in the box with the baby and crawled threw a small hole in the caving home taking the box with her and ran into the night.

The house came down with a crash, the villagers began cheering with glee assuming the witch and the beast had died within, they eventually disbanded and went to their own homes now knowing their village was safe.

The next 9 months had been rough for the mother, not having a place to live, carrying a baby with her and barely having enough to eat for both of them, the mother decided to leave her baby with a poor soul.

She wandered through far away lands hoping people of her child's kind would welcome her with open arms, she found a cabin in the middle of the woods she peeked through the window, there sat a man in front of a fire who had horns and ears unlike any other the mother knew it had to be him, she pulled a piece of paper out of her cloak which had the baby's name and birthdate, she place the box on the doorstep and the small piece of paper inside, she searched her satchel and pulled out a small box she had gotten from her flaming home.

She place the box next to the baby and knocked on the door, the horned man awoke with surprise and grumbled with anger, who had been knocking on his door at this time of night, he pulled on his boots and opened his front door.

There sat the box with the baby, the man was shocked who would leave a baby in the cold, he picked up the piece of paper inside a the box and read it word for word.

Dear whoever has this paper
Please take care of this child, I am unable to do it myself for she is special.
Her name is Abigail her birthdate is the 26th of July

The horned man stood there unknowing what to do, suddenly the baby began crying and the man panicked, he quickly scooped up the box and placed it inside his home next to the fire, though the baby didn't stop crying which panicked the man even more.

After an hour he finally put the baby to sleep in his bed, he sighed knowing what mess he had gotten into he walked back into his family room and sat down on his recliner, he pulled off his boots and sat there for a moment.

He decided he would raise this baby, he's done it before but failed miserably, his son who regretfully done the same thing as the mother did, put him in a box and walked away, he would have a second chance, a second chance of raising his own.

The man looked at the box from which the baby came from, there was another small wooden box inside, he walked over and picked it up undoing the latch and opening it.

Inside was pictures ,small toy and a necklace, the man picked up the pictures there was 5, two pictures had been of the mother, beautiful curly brown hair icy blue eyes and red rosie cheeks, she had been smiling one in a field of blue orchids and one outside a home with a man, though the man was scribble out he could tell he had horns just as him, the pictures of the woman made him smile reminding him of his late wife, the two other pictures had shown the same woman but with a much larger stomach.

She was smiling is every single picture, the last photo was of the baby, she had just been born it looked like she had a full head of hair, brown much like her mother's but with large amber eyes that twinkled, the baby was laughing reaching for the camera.

Schlatt had put the pictures aside picking up the small toy, it was a small sheep with red wool, it was soft to the touch and had black beaty eye, after examining the toy Schlatt pull out the necklace, it was a gold heart locket, he opened it revealing a picture of the mother, on the other side empty.

Schlatt knew just what to do, he looked around for a camera and silently went to the bedroom, he aimed the camera to him and the baby and snapped a picture, he shook it as it came out of the camera and once dry trimmed it to fit in the locket.

The cabin|| jschlatt Where stories live. Discover now