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The next day, Schlatt had woken up early in the morning to his phone ringing.

"Hello..?" He said groggily "hey is this a bad time?" A man on the other line said, Schlatt knew that voice, "what do you want Ted" schlatt said his voice lancing with annoyance,
"Well I just got off the phone with Phil"Ted said schlatt groaned "yeah I know it sounds crazy" he said.

"Your sure you're up for this, considering Toby?" Ted questioned him "Don't talk about that, it's in the past I'm actually in a good place right now" Schlatt said, "Jesus fine, but me and Charlie were wondering if we could come over?" Ted asked "fuck, when?" He asked.

"Maybe at noon today?" Ted said in a questioning tone "sure just let me go back to bed" schlatt said running a hand through his hair, "yes get some sleep" Ted said laughing and hung up the phone.

Schlatt went back to his room and set his alarm for 10:30 and went back to bed.

Later in the day schlatt woke up to his alarm, he groaned remembering what happened earlier in the day, he got changed into some blue jeans and his infamous light blue sweater with a white button up shirt underneath, he walked into the room across and looked into the crib.

Abigail was still sleeping peacefully, he softly smiled at the baby and walked into the kitchen, he made himself breakfast and a bottle for when Abigail woke up, he sat on his recliner and ate.

There was crying in the background so schlatt put away his plate in the sink and grabbed the bottle, he walked into her room and picked her up he feed the baby the bottle which she happily drank.

He grabbed the red stuffed sheep and walked into the living room, he sat down on the recliner once again and put the bottle down, Abigail began to fuss which schlatt held the sheep to her, she grabbed the sheep with her tiny fingers and began laughing and squeezed the sheep tightly.

An hour later a car could be heard pulling up to the cabin, schlatt was happily doing dishes listening to music being played on the record player, Abigail was in a play pen playing and laughing with her toys.

Voices could be heard yelling at each other saying 'hurry up' or 'we'll sorry I'm grabbing the gifts!', a knock at door made schlatt stop what he was doing and open the door there stood Ted and Charlie.

"Schlatt!" Ted said happily, he went in for a hug which schlatt welcomed, schlatt broke the hug and stepped aside to let them in "wow you really baby proofed this place" Ted laughed, Charlie stepped inside with a large box "I'll say" he said, "well she's in the living room" schlatt said Charlie ran to the play pen and leaned over and picked Abigail up.

"She's beautiful" Charlie said examining the baby girl, "you sure you didn't kidnap her?" Ted laughed "c'mon man I'm not late low" schlatt said.

Charlie had been holding the baby when she began crying, "here let me take her" Schlatt said Charlie have the baby to schlatt and he began to cradle Abigail, Ted observed the man as he cradled her "you've gone soft" he said schlatt looked up at the tall milk man "how could I not" he chuckled.

An hour or so passed by "oh! I almost forgot" Charlie said going over to the big box he brought in earlier, he placed it in front of schlatt he opened it slowly, inside the box was a large blanket with a pattern which had a jar of milk, a green slime blob, and a goat.

"We had Niki make it" Ted said, schlatt held it up and folded it in his lap "thank you really" schlatt said, he wrapped Abigail in the blanket which she giggled and grabbed onto the blanket, "well we better get going" Ted signed as he stood up "it's been fun man" schlatt said as he stood up as well, Ted and Charlie stood at the door "oh my god I've had the best idea" Charlie said suddenly "and what's that?" Ted asked "schlatt you should most definitely let us be her uncles" Charlie said "sure you guys are like brothers to me anyway" schlatt said with a smile.

Charlie and Ted got Into their car waving goodbye and drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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