The Beyonder Chapter 3

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The scene opens up to Alexander and Kanaan walking through the city as Kanaan shows him around

Alexander: So you said this place is called what?

Kanaan: For the last time Alexander this is Night city

Alexander: It's a boring name in my opinion

Kannan: Oh yeah? what other names do u have in mind?

Alexander: Ghoul city, New Malian, Metro field, the list goes on really.

Kanaan: .....Yeah well we're stuck with night city so deal with it.

As the two continue to explore Alexander hears the strange voice again but this time it puts him in a trance as he moves around the new environment like he's lived there his whole life. As Alexander continues on through the crowd Kanaan chases after him while calling out his name. By the time Alexander snaps out of his trance they are both seen at the outskirts of the city in front of an abandoned looking warehouse

Kanaan: What the hell was that?!

Alexander: I don't know, one minute we were talking and then I blacked out, and now we're here, speaking of which, where are we?

Kanaan: I wish I knew.

Alexander opens the door as Kanaan follows him through

Kanaan: But more importantly, what the hell is that?

As Kanaan says that he points to a glowing white orb in the middle of the room floating above a pedestal. For some unknown reason Alexander feels compelled to touch it and as soon as he touched it, he felt a strange and powerful energy coursing through his veins.

At first, he didn't know what was happening. He felt dizzy and disoriented, and he thought he was going to pass out. But then, slowly but surely, he began to feel a sense of control and clarity that he had never experienced before. But unfortunately that didn't last long, Alexander writhed around in pain as the knowledge of a thousand worlds flooded his mind





All the possibilities you could ever imagine, all too much for our cosmic adventurer, causing him to pass out

Kanaan: Alexander?! C'mon bud this is the like third time you've passed out

Kanaan then picks up Alexander and carries him back to his home. As Kanaan reaches his home he drops Alexander on a chair and looks at him disappointedly

Kanaan: You owe me kid. Big time.

Kanaan then shuts off the lights and goes to bed

-Time Skip a few hours-

Alexander groans awake, looking around at his surroundings sleepily he wondered if the events that had transpired a few hours ago were real or just a very confusing  dream. Alexander then got up and went outside to try and clear his head, but as he stepped out the blinding lights of the city struck his eyes with such power he almost fell. As he wandered the streets, Alexander knew that he was on the brink of insanity. He could feel his mind unraveling, like a ball of yarn being pulled apart strand by strand. He needed to know what was happening, and fast. So he did the only thing he could do, he decided to ask the voice that was bugging him before.

Alexander: Hello? Mysterious voice person? You there?

No answer

Alexander: Oh so now you wanna be quiet. Fine I guess we're going back home.

Alexander then went back to Kanaan's home and decided to try and get some sleep. Ending the episode

-Jay speaks-

-Hey everyone, I know the chapters haven't been that long but just give it time they will get longer as we progress further into the story. Anyway I wanna thank all of u reading this story, means a lot to me. Well i guess ill see ya in the next chapter, cya next time guys or girls or whatever you wanna be called-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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