Then another joined

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"So um, what's their deal?"

Mori stood by me watching Dazai and Chuuya fight. Koyo was by Chuuya, while Q was talking about something to Dazai, or trying to do so. "They have... a disagreement of a sort".


"Of a sort, at least I believe so". 

"... How lovely", I commented, looking at them for a while longer, "Once upon a time a wall was built between two fighting boys. A tall brick wall, almost reaching the ceiling and wide so that the boys had no chance of facing one another".   

The wall appeared just as I had described it. Dazai turned to me. He was close to grabbing my forearm before I jumped back, "Uh-uh, stop fighting and I might take it down".

"You will take it down".

"Might!" I yelled before walking around the wall just to see Chuuya raging at it, hitting and punching as if it'd help. "There's something so weird about kids in the Port mafia". 


"You're hitting a wall that exists to you only, or well, maybe everyone in this room, but at least some of us can take an advantage of it". 

"You sound like a weirdo". 

"And you sound like a spoiled brat", I smiled before leaning to the wall, "Calm down and this goes away. The bandage boy didn't hesitate". The wall lengthened. "Oh, look at that, he's trying to get here".   

Chuuya took his chances and pinned me against the wall, "Take it down". His forearm was pressing my chest while his other hand was grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling it upwards to make sure my feet were in the air/barely touching the ground (depending how tall you are).  

"Once upon a time..." I looked around to get an idea. "Wait! Hey, Koyo-san! Aren't you going to do anything?" I struggled, kicking my feet, while squeezing Chuuya's hand with both of my hands. "This is no way to treat your elders!" I shouted downwards, "Show some respect!"

His face twitched, "You're older than me?"



The wall broke into colourful sparkles that flew away. Chuuya's grip and pressure remained the same for a split second when he couldn't react to the disappearance. He stumbled forward, letting me fall to the ground, still somehow remaining standing himself. 

"Wait, you're older than me?" he asked. 

I pushed my body up a little, supporting myself by my elbows, "Yeah? By... about a year". 

"What an interesting first meeting", Mori put his palms together and smiled, "They seem to get along well, don't they?"

"Absolutely", Koyo agreed, either out of habit or some other weird reason that she thought that the statement was true. 

"You're my dog!" Dazai came once again screaming, "You hear that?!"

I kicked Chuuya's legs to get him to move a bit further away, before standing up and dusting my clothes, "I'm not working with two maniacs", I turned to look at Mori, "One was enough, no way I'm babysitting two". 

"Babysitting my ass!" Dazai was now closer to me, "I have saved you so many times". 

"As if!"

"Alright, next time I won't cancel powers that kill you!"

Another screaming match ignited. In hindsight we probably looked dumb, couple of stupid teenagers trying to prove something to one another. Bunch of insults and comparisons and fake scenarios of what could've happened, but somehow in the end Dazai was never the self centred asshole I painted him to be, nor was I the selfish shit-talker he spoke of.

"They calmed down?" Koyo asked, looking at the three teenagers sitting on a sofa, side by side, "I wouldn't believe it, if I didn't see it for myself". 

"It is truly a miracle".

"It's a miracle you have all of your limbs still attached", Dazai whispered to me. 

I turned to him, "Oh, it's a miracle I haven't told a story that trapped you inside a cement ball", I smiled, whispering back.

"... That would be quite the pathetic ending to me, wouldn't it?" he thought aloud. 

"I think it'd be quite fitting". Dazai kicked my foot. "Ow". 

"Oh sorry", he said, "I didn't remember your precious body is that fragile".

I took a deep breath, smiled at Chuuya and began talking to him as if Dazai didn't exist on my other side, "So, Chuuya-kun, would you like to take down Da-chan with me?"

Chuuya frowned, "You have guts to ask me after all that". 

"I think we both misjudged one another's characters", I told, "Oh and just so you know, he cannot break my stories unless he touches me, isn't that wonderful?"

"I think we misjudged the situation", Koyo stated. 

"Yes, very much so", Mori joined.

"Who the hell are you calling Da-chan?!" Dazai screamed. 

"Should I call you Osa-chan then?!"



Chuuya: Don't you dare to start calling me Chu-chan or something. 

Y/n: Don't worry, I won't. That's reserved for Da-chan. 

Dazai: Would you stop calling me that?! 

Y/n: No!  


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