Saide talks

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So now it was just Said sand Jack sitting in the trailer "so Noah tells me your 17 what grade are you in" Sadie says curiously "I am in my senior year and it is already incredibly hard" Jack says. He has been very stress with school lately and no one at home has time to help him even tho the twins try to help they are both very busy

"Well hey if you even need any help you can ask me I have been there to" Sadie offers him "so when is your birthday" "my birthday is January 31" (it is is December 10th at this point in the story) "oh wow your birthday is not that far away what do you usually do on your birthday" Sadie asks "Not much my parents either don't remember it, are busy with Noah or they just don't really care about it" Jacks explains to Sadie. "Oh I am sorry about that I guess I never really thought about what it would be like being the sibling of someone famous" Sadie says and it makes her think about if that is what things are like for Jacey "no it's fine" after that it gets silent. Sadie felt bad and made sure to remember his birthday so that she could make it special for him.

"Hey um I am sorry about how we woke you up I tried to tell them it was not a good idea" Sadie says to make sure they were ok there " it's fine Noah does it all time. It was a little awkward to wake up to a bunch of strangers but thanks for trying to talk them out of it" Jack says "yeah no problem.

They ran out of things to talk about so they turned on the tv and watched any random show. What they did not realize was how close they were sitting

They did not get to far in the show when everyone burst back into the trailer

"JACK GUESS WHAT" Noah say very excited
"What" Jack says very confused
"You just have to do the audition and then you should be good" Noah explains "really thank you guys so much" Jack tells everyone

Now Jack and Noah are on there way home. "So you exited about your audition" Noah says trying to pump his little brother up " I am kinda nervous I have never acted before what if I don't get it"Jack says as he starts to over thing everything " Hey no don't worry you got this"

Skip to audition day it is now December 20 (I know ten days is a while but I kinda of want time to go fester because I have a lot of  ideas for latter on)

Jack is in the car with his brother on the way to set thinking about the audition and is starting to over think "what if this is not a good idea? What if I don't get the part? What if i am not good enough? What if-" Noah interrupts his brother " hey calm down everything is going to be ok you got this I know stop do"

When they get to set they meet up with the rest of the cast and they just talk to Jack and give him tips and all that kind of stuff. They now are on there way to Noah's trailer to wait for the duffer Sri call Jack for the addition. But before Jack gets to the door Sadie pulls him aside. "Hey are you ok you seem really nervous" Sadie asks Jack concerned "yeah I. m just scared I have nerves acted before and I am not sure I will get this and I... I just... I don't want to let anyone down" Jack says "Hey don't worry about anyone else just do your thing they will love you" Sadie reassures him "thank you that means a lot coming form you"Jack says trying not to blush

They now meet everyone at the trail and the all sit there give Jack pointer here and there and just talking about filming. While they are sitting there Jacks leg starts to bounce and Sadie notices so she puts her hand on his knee to calm him down. It down immediately and he again tried not to blush. Nobody notices the two except for Caleb who was just grinning at his friend in the corner.

After a little everyone hears a bit on the door and Millie answers it as she was the closes. "We are ready for Jack"one of the set people say. Jack hears so he gets up and before he gets up Sadie squeezes his knee for comfort and he leaves with everyone saying good luck.

I am changing Noah's age to 18 and Jacks age to 17 to make the age gap between Jack and Sadie more appropriate so that means where ever I said he is a junior he is a senior so sorry but this just makes more sense

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