Beautiful Mistake: A Roc Royal (Mindless Behavior) Short Story.

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Okay so, I know it might be a little too soon to post another short story atm while you guys are still getting over "The Crash" but I was too anxious to wait and post this tomorrow so, enjoy my lovelys! :)



Your [P]oint [O]f [V]iew -

“Jacob you can’t do this!” I yelled at my boyfriend, crying my eyes out. He had just broken up with me because there was a strong possibility that I could be pregnant with his child. But before I get into all of that, let me introduce myself and how my life is.

First off, my name is YN (your full name) and I am 16 years old. I am an upcoming junior in high school, I get some A’s but mostly B’s. I used to be apart of the cheer squad in freshmen and sophomore year, but I decided to try out for Volleyball for something different. I have a little sister named Lizzy. She’s 6 years young and I take care her like she’s my own daughter. I grew up in a single parented home, meaning I live with my mom, my dad’s not in my life, he walked out on us when my mom was pregnant with Lizzy. Lizzy’s my half sister, we have the same mother but different dad’s.


My mother has never been the same since my dad left her, after she had Lizzy, she did nothing but drink and smoke, drink and smoke. Every day that was her regular routine. She began abusing me, verbally a lot. It got to the point where I just wanted to leave this earth forever, but I couldn’t leave Lizzy. Not in this cold world by herself.


I have a boyfriend, his name is Jacob Perez. He is 16 years old as well. We’ve been going together since Freshmen year, my friend that was also on the cheer squad told me that her boyfriend’s best friend liked me. So we all went on a double date, and me and Jacob instantly hit it off. And a couple days later, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and ever since then we’ve been going strong. That’s until now…


We were at lake, near both of our houses, nobody really came here. It was quiet, and me and Jacob were walking hand and hand, talking about random things, I felt like now was the perfect time to tell him what might be.

“Jacob, I have to tell you something…” I said, nervous as heck. We stopped walking because he noticed how nervous I was, he brushed my cheek with his hand, “Baby, what’s the matter? Why do you look nervous?” He said, concern and confusion written all over his face.

I gulped and looked him in the eyes, “Jacob, I think I might be p-pregnant.” I stuttered a little, he stared at me, and let go of my hand and backed away.


It was quiet for a minute, so I broke the silence. “Jacob, say something…” He looked up at me, “It’s over.” He said my heart literally dropped in the pit of my stomach when I heard those words that I never thought I’d hear come out of his mouth.

W-What?” I said, tears forming in my eyes, not believing my ears.

“YN, I’m only 16. I can’t have a kid right now, I got the rest of my life to look forward to and a kid would just slow me down.” At this point, it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me, like I lost the air in my lungs.

“Plus, how do I know if it’s even mine?” He crossed the line when he said that, I ran over to him, and started hitting him continuously in the chest, yelling.

“How dare you ask me if it’s yours?! I was an f**kin virgin before I met you! I thought you loved me, Jacob! You said you would never do this to me!” I was now crying my eyes out still yelling at him, “You’re just like those other dudes who be claiming that they love you just to get up in them draws, I let you hit it raw! Now that I’m pregnant you don’t wanna get involved?!” (XD lyrics to “Lost Ones” by J. Cole if you didn't know xD --->) I was now on the ground crying hysterically. He stood there in shock, “I-I’m sorry YN.” And with that, he started walking away, “Jacob you can’t do this!” He was already gone I was left there to wallow in my own self pity.

A/N: This originally was supposed to be a oneshot. But I decided to split it up into parts :) And this really is a short story. I promise. :P Haha! It won't be that long... xD

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