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In the Forest of Darkness where different kinds of animals live. There you can see a red fox peacefully sleeping in one of the grassy parts of the forest. Its fur shining from the sunlight reflecting on it. Its red ears and tail, twitching and swishing. It looks relax.
When a burning smell wrap on its nose. Cale, the said red fox, abruptly woke up. Looking around to find its source, his eyes catch a large fire burning in a part of the forest.
“A fire? Oh no! That’s where I live!”
Running as fast as he can, Cale immediately came to the part of the burning forest. A lot of animals are frantically running away, and some are trying to put out the fire.
“A fire! A fire!”
“Quick put out the fire!”
“It’s the hunters! Those human hunters did this”
Cale immediately go down and watch as his house was burnt into ashes. Nothing was left. Standing there dazingly, he didn’t notice the looks of the animals giving him
“Mr. Cale looks shocked…”
“I’m sure he is, after all he is just new here and yet his house was caught on fire”
“The bad part was also that his house is the only one that was reduced into ashes”
Unfortunately, Cale is not thinking about any of those. He is thinking that he was too unlucky.
‘Do I really need to find a new house again? My house before was also burned because I left the candle open”
“Umm. Mister”
Cale looked down at the little grey wolf cub that called him.
“Mister, I heard that there is a paradise on the core of the forest, it is said that no hunters can go to that place. Though, it’s a legend my uncle told me before, I think you would like that place since I heard from the neighbors that your old houses before was burnt by hunters too. That’s all I just want to say”
Cale just nodded and thanked the cub. He carefully thinks what the cub says
‘No, kid. I was the reason why my house burned before. But a paradise, huh?’
‘Guess I just need to find out if it’s true then’

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