Happy Birthday Magnus Lightwood Bane

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Notes: I gave this story a little facelift and 500+ words. You can find it in Queer Bedtime Stories (6th Oneshot)

8 December 2022, Magnus' loft in New York.

"Magnus, honey, are you ready? Remember, wear mundane clothes."

"A little more burgundy in my hair....or should it be blue? ...Alexander, help to decide."

Alec leaned over to Magnus standing in front of the mirror, kissed him lightly on the lips.

"You are beautiful just the way you are."

"But which do you like better? It would be easier to decide if I knew where we were going."

"It's a secret," Alec said with a smile. "Let it be burgundy. It was like this when I first kissed you."

Magnus snapped his fingers, and the blue stripes changed to burgundy. He took one last look in the mirror. Even a little over 400 years he was still stunning. He was wearing tight, navy blue jeans, a loose burgundy, slightly translucent shirt with some gold patterning. After all, he's Magnus Bane, he can't go out without some sparkle. He put on a warm fleece coat. And of course his makeup was perfect, as always.

"I'm ready. where do I open a portal?"

"Nowhere. No magic today. We're going by car. I'll drive.."

"Jeez Alexander, we'll never get there."

"Old bear, stop grumbling and enjoy your day."

"Old bear? I'm just barely over 400... Anyway....But who's counting, the point is that my body is like a 20-year-old Adonis."

"Oh sweetheart, that's for sure. and it's as flexible as no one's. You could rewrite the Kama Sutra," Alec said with a grin as he remembered their pleasant activities last night in bed, on the terrace, on the table, and who knows where else.

"Honey, I'm not sharing this with anyone. Only with you, forever and ever."

And here he did a bit of thinking. There was nothing he would have liked more than to be with his Alexander forever. But he didn't have the power. In his very long life, he had already experienced what it was like to have his love get old beside him and finally leave him. The only pain of damned eternity. Alexander was the first he didn't want to outlive. He'd thought about it a lot. They asked for the Clave many times. They asked Alec to be immortal, but they wouldn't let him.

"The law is the law" was all they said.

After a while they got tired of it. It's been two years since they submitted their last request. But Magnus decided he didn't want to outlive Alexander. If he leaves, Magnus will follow. He hadn't told him yet, he knew he wouldn't agree. But he loved him so much, he knew he couldn't bear the pain of losing his Alexander.

"Magnus, you're a little lost. Shall we go? " Magnus was interrupted by his mortal lover.

Magnus smiled at him. "It's okay. We can go. Impress me."

"So, what I have planned for today is a relaxed, casual date. Nothing fancy, just like the ordinary mundane couple." They drove for a while. Then they parked. Alec opened the door for Magnus.

"What a gentleman my husband is." Magnus said as he took Alec's hand, which he held out to him for support. They walked hand in hand to Central Park. It was early December, and suddenly the snow began to fall. Magnus loved the snow. He threw his head back and turned happily, watching the soft snow slowly turn the landscape white. They had been walking and talking for a while, enjoying the "simplicity" without demons and magic."

Happy Birthday Magnus Lightwood Bane (Malec oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now