Poor pierce

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Pierce's POV
I was just siting on my couch until I heard eins jerky scream I rolled my eyes then I see on the chat: 'Ein died from Zane', I wasn't surprised heh. I look at the chat:'ein respond I hear Ein screaming at my  door "PIERCE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR"I walk up to my door and open it I said "Oh hi Ein you sound desperate for me to open the door" ein says yes I  ask him why he doesn't answer me we have a awkward moment I sigh 😌 and ask if he wants to sit down on the couch he said yess we walk there .We sit there for five minutes I look at him I see him asleep on my couch i look away and then I look back at him and walk over and pick him up and walk him up to my room and put him on the bed and tucked him in and I walked out 20 hours later. Eins POV
I wake up in Pierce's bed and I look at the window I see that it's dark I go down sters and I see pierce on the couch watching tv I walk over and I say hi and pierce just looked at me I look at the kitchen I see wine on the kitchen bench oh no he is drunk 🥴 pierce gets up he pushes me to the wall and then he starts to kiss me on the neck I scream and say stop I know he is drunk but I don't like it I see Zane and aph walk to the house they open the door and see me screaming I start to blush aph runs over and try's to push pierce off Zane walks over and helps aphmau pierce fell off me aph hugs me and well Zane just yells KNOW CAN I SLEEP WITH OUT NO ONE WAKING ME UP GRRRR aph just said un umm Zane come on let's go they walk out pierce comes over and pushes me on the wall this time I do nothing he palls off my top and then my pants then he stars to pull of my boxes I say no  he dose not listen he pushes me on the floor  and turns me on my tummy he gets naked and sits on me I can't scream my face is squished on the floor he puts he dick up my ass I moan then he go's harder tears come down my face ( sorry this chapter is sooo short)

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