Season 6 Finale

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Okay so I just watched the season finale of season six and I just don't even know what to do. So for those of you who haven't seen it and are reading this now STOP because it will be a major SPOILER. So to start off Joe died, that got me because I feel so bad for Ric because he keeps losing people he loves and now he just lost Joe, his babies and Elena. Kai I'd back and I don't like it. Okay so Liv died and Tyler killed her which made him turn back into a werewolf. I don't like it tha g Bonnie and Elena are linked because I don't want either one of them to die. Stefan and Carolines feeling are growing and I love it, I hope they get together next season. Then to end it off with Damon and Elena dancing it was just to much for my delena feels. The very la St thing I want to say it, what the holy hell was going on with Matt and Damon and what happened to Mystic Falls, like how long has it been since everything happened that night because they showed that time laps and I have no idea how far into the future it is but I can't wait until October for season 7 to begin. Oh I guess I lied I have one more thing to vent about, WHY NINA WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE US. We'll that's it for now, now I have to wait until October for another update so farewell my fellow TVD fans.

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