7x02 Never Let Me Go

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Okay do I didn't write about the season Premiere but I'm just going to skip to this episode. This is a SPOILER ALERT don't get mad at me if some is ruined. So to start off I hate that they took Caroline, she's to sweet for this. Another thing about Caroline is when it skipped three years ahead and it says that she's engaged and I thought it was Stefan but clearly I'm wrong, I just want to know who it is. Lily is a huge (excuse my French) bitch and her and her herotics need to die. Don't judge me but I'm a huge Delena shipper and I'm a new found steroline shipper and I just want Nina to come back to the show, Elena and Damon to get back together and Stefan and Caroline get together so they all can live happily ever after. I want to know what's wrong with Caroline skin and why it burns everyone. I wanted to hurt Bonnie when she almost let Matt die because I don't know what I would do without my Matt Donovan. Is it just me or does it seem like Enzo is having second thoughts about choosing Lily instead of Damon and Stefan. I desperately want to know what Alaric is up to and what his plans are with Joe (who I still miss and want to come back and have Rics babies). Lastly I want to kill lily for messing with Elenas body and if she hurts anyone else I like then the Salvatores are the least she has to worry about because she will have me to deal with.

Let me know what frustrates you guys with this show and I will gladly listen and talk to you about it.
Until next week,

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