X Reborn X

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A/N: Hello and thank you for reading my fanfiction. It is my first and will probably be rewritten at some point in the future, I hope you enjoy reading!

Also I do apologize but the start is going to be pretty slow as you go with the character, learn how she will train, her meeting people, ect. Will be drawn out a bit but I hope you can bear with it!







Ugh… What happened?  I feel so sluggish and I feel smaller than before (if that makes sense) I manage to open my eyes to be met by trees on all sides, with me in the middle of a clearing.  As I start to become more aware I look around, noticing that it all looks similar somehow.  I sit down, as I do so I truly notice my body's change for the first time.  I look to be around 7 or 8 looking at how short I am.  I shake my head and try to get my priorities straight.  Ok i'm in a child's body, i'm in a forest, I need to first find some water and then try to see if I know where I am.  I start jogging around, as I eventually find a giant pond with trees inside around 15 minutes away from where I awoke.  I decided to go to the water to look at my reflection.

So I was right…  So I am stuck in a younger body.  I had shoulder length flowy black hair and darker blue eyes.   At least I look the same, before I was a 18 year old fresh out of highschool ready to go into the ‘real world’ albeit not happily, I was going to sleep the day before I moved out of my parents house when I found myself here.  I decided to stay near the lake, making sure to hide myself, I have no idea what creatures or monsters there could be, I need to be careful.  With that a few days passed by, uneventful to say the least, I did your standard ‘survival things’ , made a small shelter between two nearby trees, sharpened sticks and such to hunt down the rabbits I saw around.  I'd say i'm living comfortably, considering my situation.  Then I heard someone running towards the lake at fast speeds, I peek outside of my hiding spot and look towards the lake, I see a silhouette appear on the far side.  Did my senses get more sensitive?  I heard them clearly from at least 100 meters because of how big this swamp-lake is…  I look closer at the figure as they make their way to a tree closer to the middle, with a… fishing pole?

Then it hit me when I saw his hair, upwards spiky dark green hair with a lighter outline.  GON?!? Wait if your here that means… I'M IN HUNTER X HUNTER?  Ok calm yourself Kimya, even if its one of your favorite characters.  Phew, ok, he looks around 7-8 as well which means he's training to catch… what was it, the lord of the swamp? Or was it a lake? I think it's a swamp.  Anyways this is good news, I get 4-5 years before gon goes to the hunters exam and meets the crew.  Guessing from how tired I'd be in my world when I ran to the swamp back and forth.  My physical abilities did not change except for my senses, at least I have that, it does make things out here easier.

A/N: I know that it changed from lake to swamp

I decided to stay and observe Gon for a bit longer, who wouldn't after rewatching the anime so many times?  Anyways, after he left I started to formulate a plan to strengthen my body. My goal was to reach Gon's natural strength in the anime.  No, I will not try to learn nen.  First, I don't know how to meditate or feel for something in my body and it would probably take me years.  Second, I want to be able to survive the exam with my own raw strength instead of a weird power, just like Gon and Killua.  So I started making various exercises that I could use to strengthen myself. (Listed below:)

Jump training: Jump onto the nearest branch of a tree and go upwards a bit, then start jumping from branch to branch, from tree to tree.  This would build leg muscles, jump height and ability, speed, and balance

Stamina: your regular running through the forest, although I would also swim in the swamp whenever Gon wasn't there, as a way to try to add something and increase difficulty

Strength: I would do things like walk on my hands (I know it sounds weird but I’m using it, and this also includes hand-stand push-ups!) to better my arm strength and balance.  I would also do chin-ups and pull ups on the branches of trees.  Of course along with the others, push ups, sit ups, ect.  Although I didn't have weights I instead focused on moving very heavy objects around almost daily, I didn't do it 24-7 in the effort that I didn't gain ‘gym muscles’ that were all big and flashy, I just needed my strength to be reliable, not overbearing and obvious.

Flexibility: From all the fanfictions I read in my world I knew that flexibility could come in handy in any number of situations and can regularly give you openings if your opponent doesn't  know of your ‘talent’.  So everyday when I woke up and before I went to sleep I did all the flexibility exercises I could remember in my last life, effectively boosting it by a large margin.

Stealth: Yes I know this won't exactly strengthen my body, but it will be a lot of help if I can hide myself and or stalk others in the exam, and make my footsteps as light and soundless as the wind.

This continued for 5 more years, she had managed to sneak into the village and grab weights that she could strap to her wrists and ankles about 2 years ago,(Don't ask idk either I just wanted a cool scene like in naruto when Guy takes of his weights while fighting Gaara) therefore slightly boosting the rate at which she improved.  Now in the present, she has reached her goal and now has raw strength surpassing gon by a surprising margin.  She was now happy with her result, and she did it in time, they watched as Gon finally caught the lord and started to head to the ports, Kimya followed suit after packing things like her rollerblades, basic medical things, food ofc, water, and other miscellaneous items (like a book and stuff) in a backpack she took from town.

A/N: I forgot to say that she found rollerblades and remembered how much fun they were in her past life. She decided to take them and added them intoher training to boost her reflex and balance practice.

Hiii everyone! That's the end of chapter one! The next will start right after this one
Also let me know if I should make these chapters shorter or longer!

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