X Exam Starts X

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Chapter 3

A/N: Welcome again everyone! I hope you're enjoying this so far!, I know I haven't really had time between uploads, them being on the same day but I will take in your suggestions and criticism!  Without further ado enjoy the Chapter!







-An hour after past chapter-

The boat finally arrived at the docks after another hour or so, no one bothered me thanks to the captain, although that didn't stop Gon from looking up from time to time.

A/N: I just realized I didn't tell you what she was wearing, she is wearing a slightly oversized black hoodie (that she found) with a white sleeveless undershirt.  Darker blue running shorts (they are kinda soft).  She also has short-boyish hair right now as the longer hair was getting frustrating and dirty.  I hope this clears up a question you might have! :)

I placed my hood over my head, proud that it covers my face.  I found this outfit for multiple reasons, first it's comfy but easy to move in, second it gives me the advantage of looking weaker so people underestimate me later on.  I just need to be careful not to show my strength early on.  I peeked out of the crows nest to see the crew leaving towards the tree on the hill.  Now that they are gone I can head to the site since I know where it is, im glad I remember the password!  I swiftly jumped down to the deck and headed towards the dock, I saw the captain waiting for me. 

“Good luck kid” He patted me on the head (well hood)

I nodded and bowed slightly, then continued walking into town, going the opposite direction as the other three.

-A while later-

I finally reached the small ramen shop hidden against the tall building next door.  I walked in and went straight to the cook.

“What would you like?” He looked at me.

“The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light for one”

“How would you like that cooked?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Grilled over a low flame until cooked” I answered.

“Got it.  Let yourself into the backroom.”

I nodded and headed to the back of the store into the room and sat down.  Even though I knew it was coming I was still surprised when the room started to move down.  I guess watching it and experiencing it are two different things.  After a minute the room stopped moving with a small ding, notifying the others of my arrival.  I walked out of the room into the dimly-lit tunnel, all eyes turned on me for a few seconds.  They're probably wondering why a little kid is taking the hunter exam. Hah! I'm probably stronger than almost all of them, like half of them will fail in the first phase.  Bean walks up to me holding the tags, time to see what number I am.

“Hello.  Please take a number” He hands me the number tag 80.

A/N: Yes I replaced Siper (if anyone remembers her) but she made it to the 3rd phase before being killed by the disguised illumi.

“Be careful not to lose it” I nodded and walked over to the side and sat against the wall.  It will take awhile for anyone in the crew to arrive, except Hisoka, he's already here and Killua should be here any minute.  I guess I should just take a nap.  I nodded to myself before falling into a half-awake, half-asleep state, ears open for any noticeable characters or the start of the phase.

-An hour or two later-

A/N: !sound!

!ding! The door to the elevator opened once again, revealing Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio.  It was followed by a greeting that was met with silence.  I felt eyes on me but ignored it for now, people have been looking over and staring since I came here, it's not like they can hurt me.  I block out the sounds of others footsteps, focusing on getting rest before the exam begins.

“Hi!  I remember you from the boat!” Someone half-yelled right beside me.  AHHHH, startled my reflexes jumped me 10 feet into the air A/N: I know that really high but I wanted this scene. 

“WOAH, SO COOL” Gon's eyes widened as he watched my launch into the air before falling back down, landing on my feet.

“Woah be careful you gave me a heart attack!” I pouted at him.

“Uwah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.  I just remember you from the boat that we took here.  What was your name again?”

“It's fine, and my name is Kimya!  Remind me of your name?”

“Oh hi i'm Gon!” He smiled.

“Well hi there Gon!” I smiled back.

“Follow me!” he started to run off towards the other two.  I guess i’ll follow him, I ran after him towards Kurapika and Leorio.

“Kurapika, Leorio meet Kimya!” He yelled at them.  I smiled at them and waved.

“Hi, I'm Kimya, you can call me Kim!”  They nodded and introduced themselves,

“Im Kurapika”

“Im Leorio” They nodded towards me

“Nice to meet you guys!  I hope we can be friends!” I smiled.

“Yeah!” Gon agreed, we talked for a few more minutes and I heard Tonpa walking towards us.

“Hello you guys are new to the exam right?” He questioned.

“You can tell we’re new?” Gon asked curiously.

“More or less”

“After all this is my 35th attempt,” he answered.

“35 times??!?” they all said loudly.

“More or less,” Tonpa smiled.  “It's not something to brag about” Leorio mumbled, and Kurapika agreed.  I zoned out the rest of the conversation, I came back to my senses when Gon was asking me if I wanted one of Tonpas sodas, to which I said sure and that I’d drink it later, putting it in my pocket.  I think the first phase is gonna start soon, I better switch to my rollerblades.

“Hey Gon ill be right back, I have to do something real quick!” I shouted as I ran back to the wall.

“Ok!” Gon waved and yelled after me.  I sat down and took off my shoes, grabbing the rollerblades in my backpack and slipping them on.  After tightening them appropriately I hear a loud scream coming from somewhere in the crowd.  I get up and roll over to the sound, only to see a man with his arms turning into flower petals, and in front of him stood the infamous Hisoka.  Personally I think he's pretty cool as a character despite his personality in the show.  I roll away back to the wall as he does his little respect speech.

Hisoka POV:

Hmm that's interesting, that the kid didn't seem to be scared or surprised… Maybe it will be interesting this year.  We grew a wicked grin thinking of what is yet to come.

A/N: Ok that's the end of Chapter 3 I hope you’ve enjoyed it!

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