X New People, The Exam Is Near!! X

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Hello everyone and welcome to chapter 2! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and will continue to read it!  I apologize that the chapters are a little long, and if you have any feedback please comment! Thank you and enjoy reading!







As I headed for the boat I took note to get onboard before Gon in order to not draw attention, and so I did just that.  I glanced around and saw the blonde haired kurta, Kurapika standing on the edge of the deck, along with Leorio who was on the opposite side of the boat reading an ‘adult’ magazine.  I guess the best option is to go to the ‘crows nest’ (that little circular platform on top of the mast) so know one will notice me.  I thought as I swiftly jumped up to my destination, I looked down to see that no one noticed my arrival and the little stunt.  I sighed as I sat down hiding my head from being seen from below, and took out my book from my backpack.  It was a random book I found in an alley, although it was interesting enough to read a few times.  It surprised her at first that she could understand and read the language, albeit a pleasant surprise. She wouldn't have to learn how to read and write all over again, nonetheless speak.  That's when the commotion of Gons leave started as he stepped onto the boat, the village cheering him on.  As the boat started to leave Gons yelled,

“I’m going to become the greatest hunter in the world!”

“And once I am, I'll come back!”he yelled as he waved his arms at the receding island as it faded from view.

The men on the deck started to chuckle,

“The best hunter in the world? This kid doesn't respect us.”

Another one chimed in, “Every year there are millions of skilled applicants for the hunter exam. But only a handful are selected, dont say stuff you can't back up, boy.” They started laughing.

I zoned out only to be brought back by the noise of seagulls, it came to me that Gon will come up here because he ‘smelt’ a storm coming, I quickly snuck down and underneath the deck, picked a hammock in a far corner and started to read my book, waiting for the commotion to start.  Soon enough she heard yelling and running of the applicants and crew members up on the deck as the captain announced the upcoming storm.  The room she was in was now full of people, including Leorio and Kurapika.  Thankfully no one has really noticed her yet, although its just a matter of time. *Sigh* I continued to read my book, I heard the captain start to come into the room.

A/N: A little detail! I decided to add that she wears earbuds to help with noise sense. Her senses are so sensitive, this won't be mentioned clearly until later.

I simply waited for the captain to walk into the room before making herself findable so that he noticed her, it's not like she wanted to hide from the captain.  I was relieved when the captain noticed her, although she still didn't want to be in the same room as the other three, she was still fangirling a little bit over the three and its really awkward to her, the only exception is Killua, Killua was my favorite character and I will meet him, and be his friend! 

I walked into the captain's room, being the first to arrive. Waiting for the others to get the message and arrive took a few minutes, then the questions started.

“What are your names?” The captain questioned.

“Im Gon!” he said cheerfully.

“Im Kurapika”

“Its Leorio”

“Kimya” I said quickly, I didn't want this to last longer then it needed to, even if I knew what was going to happen.

“Why do you want to become a hunter?” The captain asked the next question.

“Hey! If you're not an examiner, you can't boss us around!”

“Just answer the question”

Gon stepped in and answered.

“My dad is a hunter, he left when I was young and I want to become a hunter so I can find out why my dad desired to be one so much.”

“You're not supposed to answer his question.” Leorio argued to Gon.

“Why can't I?”

“I agree with Leorio” Kurapika nodded “Telling you why i'm here would be exposing my deepest secrets”

I stepped in for a quick answer as the captain looked at me, “I want to test my strength”, I answered simply.  The captain nodded then turned back to the other two.

“In other words you refuse to answer my question. Hey, Katsuo.”

“Yes?” They replied.  “Tell the board we got two more dropouts.”

Kurapike and Leorio looked at the captain in shock, staring in confusion. 

“You still don't understand?  The exam has already started, there are many hunter wannabes, the examiners don't have the time nor resources to review them all.  So they hire people like us to trim the fat.”  The captain stated.

“I've already notified the board that everyone else on board had to withdraw.  If they cant handle a little storm, they stand no chance in the exam.”

“You cant pass unless I say so, I suggest you answer carefully.”

Kurapika spoke up,

“I am the last survivor of the kurta clan, we were wiped out by criminals four years ago.  I want to become a hunter and hunt down that band, the phantom troupe.”

Next was Leorio, his answer was predictable.

“I want money”

“Money can't buy class Leorio'' Kurapika commented.  This ticked Leorio off as he and Kurapika went to fight each other on the deck.  I sighed and walked onto the deck as well, preparing to catch Gon when he jumped.  I help out the crew trying to fold the sails when someone screams.  That's my que, I see Gon already flying off the edge and bolt after him, I successfully grab him and hook my feet on the edge of the ship.  Kurapika and Leorio helped us up.

“You idiot!” Leorio scolded Gon, (I ran away before that.)

“If we hadn't grabbed your legs you'd have been shark bait now.”

“Honestly, how reckless can you be?” Kurapika sighed.

“But you did catch me.”


“You both caught me!”

“Well… I guess we did”

Katsuo ran up and thanked the crew, earning a “dont worry about it”, and two wide grins.  As he walked off the two made up and stopped arguing, then the captain chuckled.

“Haha I like you guys!  Okay!  I'll take responsibility for bringing you four to the port closest to the exam site.”

He remembered I'm here?  It is possible but I didn't expect it.

“Four?” Gon asked, he thought it was just them three.

“Yes, there is another one of you examinees. They are just somewhere else on the boat, probably the crows nest.  Although I don't think you should bother them, they have been avoiding you three.”

“Okay” Gon slightly frowned, why would someone hide from him?

I sighed in relief at the captain's words, thanks old man, I owe you one for that.

Ok guys that's it for Part 2! I hope you enjoy reading and don't forget to give me feedback!

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