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* ring *

9:00, not bad. I slept cause of the excitement of going live for the FIRST time! I mean I used to film my own show, Fan's Fantastic Features before Salt and Pepper completely took control and trashed it. Resulting in me and Test Tube permanently canceling the show even if it was only 4 episodes in.

I cheerfully hopped off, fixing my bed before Soap could yell at my " careless" behavior about cleanliness and others. I carefully pulled off the charger from my phone, not wanting another of my chargers broken for the 5th time in a row. I slid down the stairs, accidentally head bumping Lightbulb, she wasn't exactly injured as I was made out of paper so it didn't cause any damage between the both of us.

" I- um sorry-! " I responded, my other hand rubbing my back with a slight smile.

" No worries paper! " She said with an ecstatic grin. Lightbulb was always the optimistic one, through thick and thin, she never bothered to drop her bright personality.

" Please stop calling me paper. " I facepalmed, I then sneakily escaped from her as she turned in a different direction. I reached the kitchen, mostly everyone sat at the dining table while some of them ate on the floor. They were serving spaghetti and ramen noodles for breakfast.

I took a seat on the couch as all the chairs were occupied in the other room, holding a bowl of ramen noodles and chopsticks with my other hand, I started slurping down the noodles quickly before realizing, it was spicy.

" GOLLY AAAHH IT'S SUPER SPICY! " I shrieked, running back and forth to find water as the spiciness burnt my tongue and my insides. I was NEVER a fan of spicy foods, even if I worked at a Chinese food restaurant, I deeply hated anything spicy.

Everyone then turned their heads at me, staring as if I was deranged. Luckily Yin-Yang splashed water directly on my face, cooling me down a bit. I looked down at myself, I was all wet and soggy from below but that didn't matter.

After breakfast was done, I started going live for a while, no one entered for a few minutes but I hope they do. Then the live count insanely started rising up quickly, reaching 1k viewers. I beamed with joy as I started communicating with my fans.

" Hey everyone! nice weather we are having for now! I just had breakfast, what about you guys? " I questioned, slouching against the orange couch, waiting patiently for the responses.

The responses racketed like crazy, there was a mixture of " I ate too " and " not yet " or attention-seeking comments such as " notice me fan! " " can you give me a shoutout? ".

A few minutes later, I looked at a few comments that said:

" Fan! Test Tube is watching the live!"
" Yea Fan, she commented earlier! "

I then scrolled through the live chat, trying to find her message, I successfully found her comment, saying:

[ @FutureScientist! ]: " When are you going to visit my lab?"

I slightly blushed, seeing her comment, but it was SUCH a mistake, everyone saw my reaction, as they typed in the live chat.


" W-WHAT NO NO GUYS! YOUR WRONG! THERE'S NOTHING BETWEEN US!- " I denied, embarrassed, waving both of my arms quickly.

If it wasn't humiliating enough, the rest of the live chat was about the ship between me and Test Tube, Test Tube sided with me saying:

[ @FutureScientist! ]: " Guys! we are just best friends, nothing else! "

Something inside of me dropped after seeing the message but I ignored it, pinning the message for everyone to see. Still, some people weren't convinced about it, and some agreed with Test Tube.

I started shaking, I didn't know how to react, the whole live overwhelmed me. Other fans kept joining, asking what was happening during the stream. I then realized, even my OWN roommate joined the live, asking:

[ @Paintysarts ]: " Fan, what's happening? "

" Well I have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER, my fans started SHIPPING ME with TEST TUBE! "

I blushed saying her name, I didn't like her, that's all, but why do I.. have these feelings? We will be best friends and will always be.. she probably wouldn't feel the same.
My train of thoughts was interrupted by their comment:

[ @Paintysarts ]: " sounds like a YOU problem HAHAHA, GOOD LUCK~ "

" GRR PAINTBRUSH! I SWEAR IF YOU STEP ONE FOOT IN THIS HOTEL, I WILL- WILL- TEAR YOU! " I screamed furiously, everyone in the live chat started spamming:

" BURN! "
" OOOH "
" SLAY "

" FAN CAN YOU PLEASE QUIET DOWN, SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO REST! " OJ shrieked from another room. I nodded, following his direction.

" was that OJ? "
" ITS OJ! "

" Living in Hotel OJ is great but mostly tiring... we get into arguments here most of the time, I am quite surprised that there were no fights since this morning, everyone is doing their own thing, Microphone is listening to music, Soap is cleaning, Lightbulb is coloring drawings of Paintbrush, Trophy is currently taking pictures outside, and other more. " I responded to one comment, I lay down against the couch, tired. Just then, Lightbulb walked up to me.

" HEY FAN! " she waved, she then noticed the phone I was holding and took it, running away quickly.

" HEY GIVE IT BACK! ITS MY PHONE! " I screamed, chasing after her.

Lightbulb's POV

I just took Fan's phone, he had a livecast going on which was interesting, he usually never tried going live on social media before. I hid behind some bushes outside. I then look at the chat, I was swarmed with messages like:

" Hi lightbulb! "

" Awh, thank you, guys! " I spoke in a cheery voice. They were SUPER nice! I can understand why Fan used his phone 24/7.

[ @FutureScientist! ]: " Hi Lighty! Did you just steal Fan's phone? "

" Aha- well I guess you could say that? " I answered with a wobbly smile.

The phone was then snatched from my hands soon after. I was confused then I look up and saw Fan peeking through.

" Uh... H-hi? " I stared at him with a weak grin. He looked unamused, looking through his phone.

" Please don't steal my phone ever again. " Fan responded seriously, looking at me and then heading back inside the hotel. I then followed.

Fan's POV

Ngh.. today was such a disaster, first the Test Tube x Fan shipping, then Paintbrush teasing me, and now Lightbulb stealing my phone. I need a break, I looked through the live, and everyone was frightened about what happened earlier.

" Thank you for coming to this live everyone, I just need a break for a bit, thank you so much for all of your donations and nice comments, SEE YOU NEXT TIME! " I pressed end live and took a sigh of relief, hopefully, tomorrow WON'T be as bad as today...

Chapter 1 End.

[ author's note: I finally finished this, it was kind of short but I hoped you liked it! I'm currently watching the III Episode 11! ]

Word Count: 1254 words

(DISCONTINUED / LEGACY) A Bubbling Livestream! | Fantube FanficWhere stories live. Discover now