Banana fish

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I highly recommend you watch this anime. It's really really good.

Its 24 episodes long and honestly is my favourite anime ever. Its your average adventure crime kinda genre with a bit of BL scattered in there, every episode keeps you wanting to watch more and while its a past paced kinda show I would definitely suggest watching it.

It can be a little sad ((I still cry over that show)) but hey, it's really really good. Though I would add you should very much read over the trigger warnings first as almost every episode touchs on some rather heavy kind of stuff, nevertheless it doesnt take much to get attached to these characters. Like at all.

Our main character, Ash Lynx is utterly amazing and at 17 is the leader of a gang in NYC. Though the anime is based in the 1980's I believe, its very very much worth watching. 

Anyways this anime is a 10/10 in my opinion. You can watch it on without any ads.

Also I highly recommend watching everything on its safe and has no ads :DD

Hope you check this out -A <3 

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