part 6

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Hi guys so the person who gave the correct answer is @atitude_girl_ak47 ..
Answer is Tia

Coming to the story

Tia:- dad do something I want that girl out of my mohsin life at any cost.

Raj:- wait dear let me meet her ones I'll see what I have to do you don't take tension

Tia:- first that papa's princess amd now this girl..

Raj:- I'll make sure that mohsin is your ok

Tia:- I trust you

Shivangi pov:-
I was at home seating in my  balcony . When he came in with tray if coffee.

Mohsin:- shivi this is for you

Shivangi:- thank you mohsin

Mohsin:- hmm

They had their coffee with pin drop silence. No one was ready to speak with each other...


Sorry for late update guys and sorry for today's part is also small. I am busy doing projects so I am not having much time but from tomorrow onwards you'll get proper part .

Target:-10 followers


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