wisteria?...thousand years? rice????

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Its decorated with lote of white flowers and white wisteria and fern covered benches just like in the twilight movie. You see harry standing looking at the door, ready for you to walk out. You see liam standing in a white suit, waiting for you to grab his arm and for him to lead you downm the aisle. The sun is glowing the edge of the backyard. You can see the ocean behind harry, and the svcene makes you want to cry, but you dont because you dont want your eyes to puff. "I have died every day waiting for you" you keep singing, slowly grabbing zanys arm and taking slow, anticipated steps to hazza. You fail at keeping your tears in, and you feel yourself break. He looks so handsome. "Darling, don't be afraid" you reach harry but keep singing, he hears you and his orbs glow up in recognition. He sings the next line harmonizing with you, and a piano softly chiming in the background "I have loved you for a thousand years" you begin to feel wonderified by him, and you two keep singing. The audience wows in how perfect you are. "I'll love you for a thousand more" Harry wisps your hoe bangs out of your face and puts them behind your ears. You stop singing, and the audience clas. You see your besties as your bridesmaid and are suddenly clapped out of your daydream looking into harrys eyes. "Y/n L/n, do you take thee Harold Edwin Jones Dweere Filck-Somers Greg Hope Dolwin Mcfarland Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

The words wisp from your mouth, and before the minister says, Harry leaps down and devours you into a loving gently kiss. Yeah, you just got married. Everybody claps, even your neighbours who were standing on their balcony to see what was so beautiful are clapping and cheering. Rice is thrown at you, and you are so happy.

The honeymoon.

y/n and harry had been marries for a week now, and were in the bahamas, on a private island. Harry flew his private jet here! So ya, you guys were pretty rich. You look out the window on your extravagant one bedroom, six bathroom suite onto the white beach, and blue waters with just barely a hint of sea weed. The sin was settig and you knew what that meant. Harry walks out of the water from hi swim, his long hair wet like a dog, and his body glistening with the beads of sea water that so eloquently toned his man ab and mucsisiles. His ab was very hamson. He shook himself off (like a dog) and stepped into the house. The bungalo was so pwerfewet, it had only one bedroom, and six bathrooms, and only one room. You and him decided to play chess, but halfway through he knoched all the pawns down and pawned you. Yeah, you were his wife now, he could pretty much anything whatever he wanted. Ou decided you were angry, so you went to the kitchen to make chicken, but when you bit it, you threw up. You went to the ballroom to clean up and you saw tampons, and threw thwmout. OMG you were late. Like for realisies. Not like before. At all. Like zero percent.

You called for harry, and then ran, looking through all the bathrooms to find him, but he was on the bed. "HARRY I MIT BEE PREGUNT" you scream in tetrror, scared of how horrifying. Your feet begin to tap, and you run in the spot to keep from going cold. You were preganantee no doubt. 100 percent sure. There was NO other possible answer. At all. Like 0. You threw hair out and ran out to the beach, determined to swim this stress off.

The next day, Harry was no where to be seen, i mean he could be in the bathroom, but from where you stood onthe bed, you couldn't see him. Safe to say he had run away. Left you. With child. You could see the private jet, so he couldn't be far. You hopped intop the kitchen, and looked through all the bathrooms, but you couldnt see im. It was then that you decided to go out onto the beach, and you seen Harry on a yaghcht, a but one too! You threw your tiny petit form into the water, forgewtting you dont know how to swim! The bubbled come out of your mouth, and your body thrashes against the brutal currents. The clouds all of a sudden came together and it started storming. You were scared. Harry didnt know yu were there! Harry sees you, and jumos in to save your tint self. "OI ZELLA wot yeww dewwimnn?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" harry screams nonsensically. You get the feeling hes asking what you're doing, and you try to speak, but ehd up inhaling a ton of water, because you're still drowning. Somehow you swim to shore, and harry holds you, you fall in conchshell in his wonderful, manly, toned, tan, tattooed, masculine, not boyish arms.

You feel a mysterious presence in the night. You open your eyes. You see nothing. Because it it pitch black. But like, there was nothing. You decide you should probably turn on a light. You reach to turn it on. Unfortunately a cold slimy hand breaks your hand from doing the deed. You look up. IT WAS LOIUS. His blue orbs twinkled in the bright moon light coming from the ¼ inch opened window, with the curtains not drawn. A cool breeze developed, and his ghostly form was wisped away. WTF. like huh? You want to scream but dont. You get out of bed and hid in one of the many bathrooms. Just because you csn. Youm gain your courage and you run to the water, and sim. You feel another prese3nce, and are dragged under the water, oh yeah! You cant swim. So you start drowning again. Lungs filling up faster because theres still water from last time. And no air. I mean, breathing in water is gonna just fill my lungs up with wqtaer. You open your eyes, because when you drown you do that. And you SEEL LOIS hes hantingd yur xcute self. His spirit lifts you from the abode, and you take a big deep breath, then promptly cough because youd lungs still have water in them. You get lifted higher and higher, and realize wait. Youre dead your gojg to heaven. What? Even with all the crap you did? Harry mustve gotten some sort of feeling, because you see him fly out ofn the roof and up yo toy vrey fast. It muscle hurt being so close to heaven, with him being a vampire and all. You feel yourself being dragged down bu his claws. But like you were soooooo tired, like deathly tired, so you flung yourself oit of lois es hild and dropped to harry, your arms turning blue. Harry beings to cry "Nawrrrr" but then he swallows and contin ues. "Bella, you can't die, I need you, please, my love, i love you please, my love" he says impeccably, english flowing from his mouth so soundly, you wonder where the fuck this is coming from, considering he can't ever talk, but like you sigh and con tinue.

You feel your orbs open, ans you are suddenly flabbergastedly assaulted by the bright imaginitive, but real light that radiates. You see harry's bright red pounding, blazing, orbs clinging to your own orbs. You avoid orb contact, as you look around. Harry'd black vampire wings flying down, in the bright sunlight. He places you on the white, not really dirty beach. And begins to plead again. "Please, my dear, my living dear, please." he says pleasingy begging for you to live dearly. But you dont move. You see, you were kind of dying. You h. adnt even given birth and you wre DIEING. You were scared, very scared. Harry pleiades with you more, until your orbs fluttered closed, and your body went limp.

"NOOOOOOOOO" harry shrieked like a little girl, his dead heart breaking, and shattering. He was completely and irrevocably heart broken. Beyone repair. No way would fix it. There was no solution. He felt a rage suddenly flar up in his chest, and he breathed fire into the ocean, the blue lighting up with fire... there had been a huge oil spill down shore, and so the water lit up in flames easily.... The heat that was emitting was too strong, harry wanted to die. He couldnt live without his perfect little petit clumsy Stella. Suddenly a lightbuld lit ontop of his bigheadded smart, nerdy, jock head, and he decided this would be the perfect time to turn you. His teeth unsheathed at the thought, his mouth dripping in drool at the thought of tasting you. He bent down, whipping your hair away from the pulsepoint on your neck. He knelt down. Slowly. Savouring this once in a lifetime... no deathtime opportunity. His teel made contact with your peachy neck and he held his teeth. In an instant he felt your warm blood spilling into his mouth, but he resisted sucking. After a minute he drew back, looking for any sign of change. There was none. You were gone. 

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