Stupid People

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You can't fix stupid -The Great and Powerful Karen

A large vocabulary baffles the stupid and impresses the smart -The Great and Powerful Karen


If there is one thing that rises above all in things I dislike, it is definitely stupid people.

A few months ago, my language arts teacher gave us a take home test due to all the snow days. She spent a good 15 minutes going over it. This one idjit in my class asked this girl next to him:

"Do we take home the take home test?"

Do we what now? Did I just hear that?

So, naturally turned around.

"It is called a TAKE HOME TEST!"

You know just stating the obvious over here.

So what does this guy respond with???

"Was I talking to you? No? That's what I thought!"

Zing. Got her. That is a strong comeback you got there.

What I wanted to say was:
"No, but your stupid might as well have had a light up sign around it, because it was definitely noticeable."

But, he turned around all content with his not so clever comeback.

Thankfully I heard the girl he was talking to in the first place go, "It is called a take home test."

Thanbs. Thanbs so much. But you can't fix stupid.

I'm so done with people. I just can odd (instead of can't even. I figured I could use more positivity in my life).

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