An Icy Calling

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Blinding lights, moldy ceiling, and annoying chatter. All signs that I'm back at school. I scrunch my eyes as they adjust to the searing lights. I see a sudden movement from beside my bed, "Who's there?".

"Oh you're awake Todoroki-kun, I'm so glad", the school nurse, who I can't remember the name of, smiles at me with a overly-positive face. Strange she said that, I've been awake for ten minutes staring at the ceiling. "Yes, I'm fine.", I see a sigh of relief on her face. "Thank goodness, if I'm being honest I thought we might have lost you." Her face twists into a conflicted frown, "Todoroki-kun, are you having night tantrums?". WHAT. "Excuse me?!" I can barely keep my expression calm. What did I do when I was unconscious, my face turns red just thinking about it. Did I wet the bed? "Well, it's just that while you were asleep, sometimes periodically you would let out screams and start shaking your head...Maybe I'm hallucinating but I could have swore I saw your eyes shine white once to." Her jolly face looks more menacing, "Oh. I wasn't aware of this. Actually, I don't remember anything" She laughs it off. "Probably just a bad dream" she assures me, smiling again.

I walk back to my class, careful to steer clear of our foul math teacher, if Mr. Brane caught you walking in the halls during class time you'd never live to hear the end of it. I stop in my tracks as a 10th grade girl late for class bolts down the stairs, white hair following behind her. Suddenly, I remember it. White hair. Somebody with white hair, in my dream. They needed me for something, something urgent. I sit down on the floor, in an attempt to regain my memory. Cold, it was cold and I was shivering. Oh, and there was ice. I rip the last piece of paper out of my notebook, Mr. Brane probably won't notice it. In a sloppy mess of cursive, I write down all bits of memory from my dream.

- White hair person needs help

- It's cold and there is ice

- We're near some mountains

It's not a normal dream...I need to figure out what this means.

Icy Love {你的眼睛很漂亮} - Todoroki x Elsa, A Cold LovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now