1. The Shops

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   "Dear" her eyes narrowed at me in warning as I huff rolling my eyes still refusing to agree and go to town.

The Pale lady I call my mother sighs gently before trying to plea with me again. I whine but finally agree in doing so, causing the older brunette to clap gleefully and hand me a list.

"I need to get dressed first Mother" I roll my eyes again before stomping off to my room and sitting on my bed. Why do I always have to risk going to town, she knows what could happen. Plus! We could easily find the stuff we need in the forest! I find myself letting out a huff of air knowing I'd need to apologize to Mother before I leave.

I decide to do so after!, I get dressed. I smile softly to myself I love to create outfits, for myself or others though I haven't really gotten to do so.

I stand up heading to my closet remembering I had to 'dress normally' picking out a outfit consisting of, my light brown chest tight dress reaching my ankles sliding on a long white apron as well. I glance around before sliding on a headpiece as well as shoes appropriate for my outfit, I step out of my room sliding on a over shoulder poncho.

I smiled gently before walking over to Mother grabbing her hands and gently kissing them in respect and apology. "I'll be back in a few hours Mother". I make a soft bow before quickly heading out the door wanting to get this over with as quickly as possibly.


Brush crunch under my feet as I walk closer and closer to the little town I live just outside of. Hidden in the deep woods, not many or any even knowing I exist.

My mind rushes with a image of a girl, a deep ginger. She's really pretty, but I could never interact with her or even become friends. She's a farm girl, a a rich family at that. I'd never be allowed to even speak to her honestly.

I find myself straightening my back before walking into the main square to find what's on my shopping list.


I glance down at the list and nod to myself seeing as I'm half done with it and I can leave soon enough from this chaotic little town.

I walk to my next stand ready to pick out some herbs. I quickly start to examine some picking out the ones that are healthy and would do great for dinner or my potions smiling gently at the thought of being able to help others.

I freeze and quickly look up at the soft yet slightly rough voice eyes connecting with bright green eyes my concealed eyes now a chocolate brown.

I find myself smiling nervously at the girl the bag of herbs in my hands still.

"You're really invested in picking certain herbs, aren't you?" The deep ginger asks me

I hesitantly nod "y-yes, Mother likes the healthy ones that will last a while" quickly looking down to finish collecting what herbs I need I hand them to the girl so see how much they would be

"You're pretty, a dollar fifty" she hands me the bag back. Feeling my cheeks flush silently scolding myself as I hand her the money taking the sack back. "Thank you.." I turn and start to head away

"Hey?" I suddenly feel a presence next to me causing my to quickly look up at the bright green eyes. "Yes..?" I asked slightly getting anxious.

"What's your name?" I stare at her slightly before softly mumbling out "Mildred...yours?" I ask back to the curious girl. I gain a bright smile and a answer "Edith, it's nice to meet you!"

I've already known her, she's really pretty and popular among the young men all wanting to be married off to her. "Nice too meet you as well Edith.." I gently say back.

I start to go back to my shopping believing that was the end of the interaction. I can feel her following me though it's distracting slightly.

I finish my shopping about twenty minutes later and turn around bumping into someone slightly causing me to squeak and quickly apologize before looking up to see a blonde male the dark ginger some how next to me instead of behind me or the boy.

I quickly start to walk away a small apology leaving my lips before I get grabbed by the wrist. The ginger, or Edith. "Wait!, can't you hang out a little..?" I look up at her wanting to say yes, kinda wishing too but I quickly shake my head.

"I can't.."

I turn around slipping from her hold and head home quickly.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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