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It was a sunny morning I could see the sunny sun peaking through my shit stained curtains. In the other room I heard my father sobbing as he woke to find a big steaming shit it his bed. My shit.

I grin to myself for once, i was proud!!!!

I got up and styled my messy hair with shit and put on my Gossy glasses. all the ladies love them. I had a quick ciggy before shouting.

"BYE BYE DAD!!! SEE U AT SCHOOL< DONT STINK" I teased, my dad you see was my maths teach and my husband (Were married for tax benefits, obviously)

I slip on my sneaky shoes and don't tie the laces (I never learnt how,)

I peak into the cupboard. Nothing. Dad doesn't have the time to buy food, it all gets replaced with shit anyway. 

I step outside and let the air fill my shit stained nostrils,  the old lady down the street comes out the house and calls me a sexy boy. All the lady's love my athlete body and band boy hair I strut my way to school like a peacock, emphasis on the cock . 

On my bus I wink at the ladies, they frown but I know the love it deep down.

The buss spits me out at Gossy academy,  I sigh and prepare for a shitty day ;) 

I  enter the lunch hall and search for my #BFF I spot her and makie my way over. 

Her name is Maisy and she's a daisy. 

The group surrounding her cheers as I come over, they love me. it makes me feel loved.

NOT TO VENT  but it makes up for the lack of love in my childhood 

I can already smell ther shit wafting through the air as the lunch bell rings and i make my way to form class. 

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