The chick Ful a story

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Me and my Hot Dom mafia bf went to chick ful a for dinner. As soon as we got our food and we were driving home I didn't wanna wait until my fries got cold before the delicious potato of goodness hits my tongue.
I reach in the bag and grab a fry i pause before letting the fry reach my tounge knowing damn well that the minute it does I won't be able to stop. I throw the fry in my mouth moaning aggressively as the salty goodness hits my tongue.My bf freezes next to be "stop that" he says I didn't feel like listening today I wanted to be a bad girl.
I then shove another fry into my mouth moaning around it again I don't stop shoving fry's into my mouth moaning after each one while my boyfriends cock strains against his pants trying to focus on the road.
I can feel my climax approaching as I cum around my last fry with a loud moan causing my boyfriend to look off the road where we then crash into a garbage truck dying tragically while Mariah Carey's all I want for Christmas is u is playing on the radio as we're dead in the car.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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