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*Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep...*

You groggily shake your head.  Opening your eyes, you look at your phone, checking the time. It's 5:30 am. With a loud groan, you get out of your futon.

Looking around the room, you see it's the same as it's always been, small. Standing up, you head to your dresser. Pulling out a few clothes for school. Luckily for you, it's mid-spring. Summer's almost here. Just a few more weeks and you'll be home free for 3 whole months!

You grin as you put on your blazer and grab your bag, leaving through your front door.

"Good morning. How are you doing?" Your neighbor asks.

 "Oh, hello Mr. Emiya. I'm doing fine, I guess." You shrug. "How's Mrs. Emiya?"

"Mrs... Emiya?" He cocks his head to the side, pondering who this could be, before his face turning red like a Tomato.

"You know she prefers to be known as Mrs. Tohsaka! If she caught you saying that, you'd have hell to pay!"

You chuckle.

"But really, how is she doing?"

"She's doing fine. I got about an hour before she wakes up." He gives an awkward smile.

This man is Emiya Shirou. My neighbor. He's lived here for a while with his guardian, Fujimura Taiga and his wife. The aforementioned wife is Tohsaka Rin. She is your history teacher. Although relatively strict, she is quite kind.

"You should go wake her up." You suggest. "School is in an hour."

"I suppose your right. Don't want her being like Fuji-Nee. Well. Have a good day at school."

"Yeah." You nod and begin making your way to school.

When you pass the intersection, you hear someone.

"Hey Kobe!" Turning around, you see your friend, Okita.

"Yo, Oki, how's it hanging."

"Other than Tohsaka's homework, I've been good."

"It wasn't that bad! You just need to study more."

This is my best friend of 12 years. Junichi Okita. He's very blunt and sarcastic, but he's good at heart, if, a bit childish.

"So, I saw you starin' at Mrs. Tohsaka the other day. Is she really that hot? I mean, she's 29 years old now! In my opinion, she's kind of an ol-." Before he could finish that sentence, a stone hits his head.

Looking to see who threw the stone, you turn around and see Tohsaka Rin.

"I'M NOT THAT OLD, YOU BLIND OAF!" You can see the fire in her eyes and steam erupting from her ears.

You raise your hand to greet her.

With just as much rage, she turns to you. "You think I'm old too!"

"No! I don't think your old!" You try to think of something else, but fail.

"Hmmph. Well then, you better have your assignment done. I only expect the best from my students."

You chuckle. "Yes, Mrs. Emiya."

The vein on her head protrudes further. "What did I tell you about calling me that!?"

"It's only a joke, Mrs. Tohsaka!" You try to play it off.

She lets off a heavy sigh. "Come on, pick your friend up and let's go to school. I don't want to be late to my own class."

You pick him up off the ground and begin walking with Tohsaka.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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